While Europe seems to be over the worst coronakrise, then continues the infectious virus to rage in Brazil.

Here, the number of confirmed smittetilfælde Friday to over a million.

exactly is 1.032.913 people have now been tested positive for the coronavirus in the large south american country. It is second globally only surpassed by the UNITED states, which has over 2.2 million confirmed smittetilfælde.

the Number of deaths with the corona virus in Brazil since the last inventory on Thursday increased by 1206, so that the total number now reads at 48.954.

Who lives about 210 million people in Brazil. It corresponds to the well 23 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants.

Looked at the deaths per 100,000 inhabitants is Brazil are still below european countries such as the Uk, Italy and France.

There is believed also to be a considerable mørketal, both in terms of infected and dead. It says the medical professor Alexandre Naime Barbosa from statsuniversitetet in the city of São Paulo.

– the Figure, called a million, is much lower than the real number of infected people. There is a large underreporting. The real figures are probably at least three million and can be as high as ten million, sounds.

The brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, has been criticised for its handling of the coronakrisen.

the President has among other things stated that it is to keep a physical distance to each other resulting in lost jobs and are more dangerous than coronavirusset itself.

The brazilian economy has already been hit hard, and there are fears that it ends up in a real economic collapse.