What is going on gradually the soap opera between Neymar, his mother and his ex-girlfriend?

the Theater has been reached to act, where it has been really ugly for the world’s most expensive footballer, for now, El Mundo Deportivo published a clip from a live stream on Twitch, where Neymar comes with some fierce accusations – and using some inappropriate words.

History: Neymars mum has broken up with the 22-year-old Thiago Ramos, who in addition to being 30 years younger, also showed himself to be bisexual. Ramos ended up in the hospital after an accident in the home, but the history of buying Neymar not.

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A legenda está ao lado Sonhar, nunca desistir !!! Te amo cara, você é fantástico @neymarjr

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In the leaked audio clips on Twitch it came to light that Neymar believe that the damage that sent Ramos to the hospital, stems from a clash with his mother.

He calls also the mother’s ex-girlfriend for ‘Viadinho’, which is a derogatory word about homosexuals. As one of Neymars friends in the conversation suggested that Ramos could get a broomstick up the bum, so supported, Neymar supposedly foreslaget.

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O inexplicável não se explica, se vive…

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According to El Mundo Deportivo, the Paris Saint-Germain star is now notified by a brazilian organization that fights for gay rights.

the public Prosecutor in São Paulo has confirmed that they have received the notification, but it is not clear whether the case will be pursued.

According to Le Parisien has Neymar-camp did not give any comments to the story.

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