The oxygen loss in the oceans, stocks of a growing threat to fish. According to a new report by the world conservation Union (IUCN) presented on Saturday in Madrid at the world conference on climate change.

about 700 sea regions all over the world were Affected. “This may be the last alarm signal that we get from the uncontrolled Experiment that humanity has caused in the oceans of the world,” said Dan Laffoley, one of the editors of the report.

The declining oxygen content in the oceans has, according to the report, in the main, two reasons. The warming of the climate. The sea water heats up, containing it tends to be less oxygen. On the other, pollution of water with nutrients leads farms from Fish or fertilizers from agriculture, in particular in coastal regions to a strong growth of algae. In the case of your removal, they consume oxygen. In oxygen-poor waters, survived microbes, jellyfish and squid better than fish.

From the oxygen decline in the Baltic sea and the Black sea are affected. “These are the biggest closed sea ecosystems with low oxygen content”, as stated in the report. While there is in the Black sea part of natural reasons, were in the Baltic sea, especially the fertilizer and the climate change is to blame.

In the warmer waters of oxygen mixed rich and -poor layers less well, say it in the report. Tuna and sharks, are needed because of their Size and your energy needs a lot of oxygen. You would be in a relatively oxygen layers, rich is forced to higher elevations and exposed the danger to be fished. Overfishing is the result, the IUCN. (sda)

Created: 07.12.2019, 21:09 PM