package sorter Soile Laine woke up Tuesday night night after blissfully unaware of the historic events of the day.

the News after reading his uppermost feelings was the sadness and feeling sorry old.

– I’m not hoping for such an outcome to this issue. That is the employee side and it leads to such, Laine sighs

the mail to the Vantaa logistics centre, working Laine is one of those about 700 package sorting routine, which collective agreement started the dispute that led to the postal strike, support strike, and in the end, many bends, through the government crisis. On Tuesday, the political situation escalated to the prime minister of Antti Rinne (sd.) and the resignation of the government.

click here to Read the historical date of the reverse: Why the prime minister of the Slope difference be?

in Itself, Laine wasn’t surprised the government crisis, as the events of recent days had already hinted of the future. Package sorting among whom Vantaa is followed, for example, the owner control the minister of Sirpa Paatero (sd.) the situation accurately. Paatero announced his resignation last Friday.

– Employees have been contradictory atmosphere that was Paatero difference a good thing or not.

“a Little pity, too,”

Also Lieto, the Postal logistics centre in the break room, followed closely on Tuesday’s news.

for 30 years the Post office worked with Petteri Syväkari tell you that the atmosphere of the package sorting among whom have been taken aback.

That is it such a big mess. We have been to this thing in the center, so this is for us a bigger and more important than it has probably other people.

package sorter Petteri Syväkari be surprised how large proportions työtaisteluna started events are received.Petteri Syväkari

Syväkari about to tell his that the postal strike, the effects can be substantial, but could not guess the situation escalate like this. He estimated that the owner of the control minister Sirpa Paatero and minister Antti Rinne have been forced to give way to their own mistakes.

a Little bit feel sorry for, too. The owner of the control should have to intervene much earlier, that the situation had gotten this bad. The game should have been whistled much earlier across.

click here to Read the Yle policy supplier Robert sundman’s analysis: the Real reason for the Slope difference will be still to ask for the day, which will remain in the history books

Everyday Lieto logistics centre has begun to roll into the action after normally. The postal strike and the events that followed remain in the history books.

– collective shopping growth was a major theme during the action. If the industrial action would not have brought these topics up, so this would have probably been born as a big soup as it was born, Syväkari consider.

Read here mail stop inverse in This case let’s post pissing and moaning a brief history, i.e. where it all started

in Vantaa, package sorter Soile Laine is on the same line as Lieto counterparts: both believe that collective shopping is something that we have to get the visibility.

– collective shopping is a big thing and touching so many people. I hope it does not remain a government crisis overshadowed, because collective bargaining is underway in other sectors, Laine pondered.

Now wait for the decisions of the new prime minister and a government lineup to.

at least Not the hope of a return to the previous government’s model, because there those impairments come to the workers pretty well. Yes, a little scared, that’s what happened here, Laine sums emotions.

Lieto central post headlines collective dispute during, inter alia, a fence made of “scab hole” for the sake of. The picture PAU:no stop watch on duty in the logistics centre in the foreground.Kalle Mäkelä / YleTilaa Yle newsletters!

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