In the dispute over the EU budget for 2020, there will be an agreement. Government representatives from the 28 member States agreed on Monday evening, MEPs in the next year more than of 153.6 billion euros for payments provide.

This has been confirmed by diplomats and parliamentarians. Later, the Chairman of the budget Committee in the European Parliament, Johan Van Overtveldt told this, also. He spoke of “a step towards future-oriented choices for the EU” and pointed to a strengthening of the areas of Innovation, research and climate. Extra money should therefore, among other things, for climate protection, the fight against youth unemployment and the digitization.

dispute Contingencies

appropriations for The support of the accession candidate country Turkey will be reduced by around 85 million euros, compared to the original plans, such as the CSU MEP and Parliament Rapporteur Monika Hohlmeier, the news Agency DPA on Tuesday night said. In view of the Situation in areas such as rule of law and freedom of the press, there should be only the money for the civil society, the exchange program Erasmus, and the supply of Syrian refugees.

quarrel had given it during the negotiations, including on the question of how much money should not be earmarked for unforeseen events. The EU member States had called for a Reserve in the amount of more than four billion euros and noted that it could be used, if it should be an unregulated Brexit or Turkey should be made more money for the care of Syrian refugees. The Parliament was originally, however, of the view that a significant lower level of Reserve is sufficient.

compromise in the middle

The EU governments, had an annual budget of a maximum of 166,8 billion euros required. The EU Parliament wanted to Euro 171 billion. Now the two sides met, apparently, quite exactly in the middle.

For Germany, the negotiations are of particular importance, because the German government as the largest provides a net contributor to the Union, more than a fifth of the EU’s budget. A large part of the money flows in payments to farmers and relatively poor regions in the EU countries.

Even more difficult than the talks on the EU budget in 2020 should now be the final negotiations on the EU financial framework for the years 2021 to 2027. This forms the basis for the individual households and is therefore particularly relevant. So far, the governments of the countries in the EU have not yet a common Position for negotiations with the Parliament. (sda)

Created: 19.11.2019, 03:10 PM