At the University in Hamburg, there was uproar recently as a continuation of the novel: Twice Bernd Lucke was prevented from holding his lecture “macroeconomics II”, twice, it took place only because of the dozens of police officers guarded his speech in front of protesting students.

“a man belongs to any University.” With these words, the left student Council had announced in the summer that she wanted to prevent the return of the hatch to his workplace. The critics of the Euro was established in 2013, the Alternative for Germany (AfD), had been bullied two years later, but by Radicals from the party. Up in may, he sat in the European Parliament, he was voted out of office.

Lucke is a Professor of Hamburg officials. As a politician, he was a national conservative, but not a Right-wing or a racist. While the students blame him for the creation of a fascist party, argues Lucke, to have unsuccessfully against the radicalization to combat that.

The climate of Opinion in Germany has in recent years become considerably rougher.

Instead of a political dispute to the Blockade. “Anti-fascists” roared hatch in the lecture hall as a “Nazi pig” at the second attempt, a riot squad forced a crash. Rather than to condemn the faults clearly showed the University administration and city government, above all, understanding for the protests. It was only after they had been strongly condemned for this, they promised Lucke more protection.

The opinions went up there for a long time. Of “terrorism” and “left-fascism” languages, the AfD and conservative commentators, while an employee of the Vice-Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) tweeted, the students saved here, just the “honor society”. In Newspapers, was excited to put the question of whether the left-hand interferer freedom of expression at risk. Had not given in a survey two out of three Germans, one would have to today, watch what you say in public?

In the debate much was messed up. Luckes freedom to speak his mind, was never out of the question. The Professor defended himself in the media and also offered to the students conversations – what rejected these however. Rather than freedom, it was well to know the opinion of supremacy: Who is a left-wing Uni in a left-wing city of the sound? If so, a bit of danger came, it was above all the liberality of the University: the question of whether from the left of the Mainstream and dissenting opinions were at her place. Part of it was also about the freedom of science and research.

At the Humboldt University in Berlin, two prominent professors to be disturbed for years by a small group of left wing students and bullied. The historian Jörg Baberowski failed with an application for a centre for the research of Totalitarianism, not least the opposition of the students. The political scientist Herfried Münkler has been accused of “militarism” and “extremism of the middle”. Students corrected anonymously his “one-sided” topics and reading lists.


the program was especially attacked fiercely, as he said in 2015, against German refugee policy and to understand, even for militant counter-protests showed. Trotskyist students referred to him thereafter as “right-wing” and prevented an appearance at the University of Bremen. Baberowski went against the invective of court, ultimately unsuccessfully. Most recently, he insulted, in turn, the students, of whom he was stalking. This showed him and threatened him to come along with violence, with the end of a small-scale war is not in sight.

especially under the influence of the social media, the climate of Opinion in Germany has in recent years become considerably rougher. Often is not a fight, but the insults fly only to and fro. The rights Hetzmob, which is particularly active online, has contributed to the coarsening and hardening is essential. The actions of the left students at the universities appear sometimes as a response to it – to a place where you feel yourself still hegemonic. Often, as in the case of Baberowski and Münkler, almost champagne-like groups, the gain an amazing amount of influence.

The conservative ethnologist Susanne Schröter, University of Frankfurt am Main came this year from two sides under pressure from the left and from the right. You had invited to a discussion event about the Muslim headscarf. Students and Activists called for their dismissal, the University management has based you. At the end of 700 interested parties to the discussion, but hardly any people came. Two years earlier, Susanne Schröter had canceled an event on the topic of “police everyday in the immigration society” because they feared violent riots.

Anyway it was the last one to fault the actions and threats of radical Right-wing against left-wing professors. Activists of the Identitarian movement stormed a year ago, about a lecture in Greifswald. When they were asked by the Professor to a debate, when they left the room.

How to 1968?

“The universities are not a policy-free zone”, summed up the green Hamburg’s science Senator, Katharina Fegebank this week. Protests are allowed, but should not cripple the operation.

it is Well possible that not only the intensity of the clashes has increased in recent times, but also the sensitivity – on all sides. The literary scholar Joseph Vogl urged, therefore, to maintain the relations. The small student’s “false fire” of today are not to be compared with the “large fires” in the ’80s or even the’ 68 years.

Created: 15.11.2019, 21:15 PM