CVP-President Gerhard Pfister is convinced that there is in the new legislative majorities, only with the CVP. Federal councillor Viola Amherd wants to make in the field of climate policy “nails with heads” as you said before the delegates. Thanks to a “stable election result” will give it to the Federal Parliament, only majorities of the CVP, said Pfister on Saturday at the Assembly of delegates in Langenthal, BE. Of this constellation, the CVP must benefit: “We want to not only be the tip the scales. We want to bring forth with a stand-alone policy outcomes and results.”
The new ratios would be of the CVP but also the responsibility, to present increasingly from the middle out solutions. Will benefit from Switzerland, for each country, professional animals, if there is a “politics of the centre” come to fruition. A policy, which is a balancing, preserving and pragmatic. There is a need for a force that can hold them together, because the success of Switzerland is their Cohesion. The political center and the CVP have the mandate to preserve this cohesion.
Pfister announced that the CVP will “promote systematically the preservation of the Bilateral” and a “grippy CO2-law” and for the abolition of the marriage penalty in the tax and AHV. In the elections of 2023, the CVP wants to win back voters shares – thanks to a change to a “party of ideas”. The CVP is in the upcoming legislative part of the new group with the name of “The center group. CVP-EPP-BDP”.
How many members do you count exactly, it is only after the 24. November clear corridors to the Council of States elections – in accordance with the second choice. The CVP is in the elections of 20. October, the Greens have been overtaken. They lost, however, less than predicted: their vote share dropped from 11.6 to 11.4 per cent; it is represented in the national Council in the future with 25 Seats.
Amherd: climate strategy must not
Federal councillor Viola Amherd falter said to the delegates in the last legislature are so many difference in cleanup procedures had been carried out in the Federal councils, as never before, namely, 29. She was convinced that the people wanted a Parliament, which developed rapidly and pragmatic solutions.
The CVP have to play in the development of these solutions also have a role. You could lead the new center because it will be expected in the coming parliamentary term. Still promising second States-choice of course would be Yes, in a number of cantons from the point of view of the CVP on the program.
The clear outcome of the elections also meant that there was a need to make climate policy “nails with heads”, said Amherd more. The implementation of the national climate strategy 2050 should not come to a Halt.
Once Yes and once no for 9. February
The CVP has. on Saturday in addition, the Slogan focus on the people’s initiative “More affordable housing” to the tenants Association The delegates rejected the Initiative is clear: with 117 no – 29 votes in favour, 4 abstentions. The majority of the delegates was of the same opinion as the party leadership, which led to the field, the Initiative provides for excessive interference of the state in the housing market. The Initiative comes at 9. February in the urn.
Clearly, Yes, the CVP Switzerland, says the expansion of the Anti-racism criminal standard. This standard is intended to be extended in the future also calls to hatred and discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation a criminal offence. Also this template comes at 9. February in front of people.
With 125 votes to 18, with 8 abstentions, the delegates summarized the Yes-Word. Other than that claimed by the opponent, there is a ‘ Yes ‘ to the expansion of the criminal standard, not a disproportionate restriction of the freedom of conscience, says the CVP party leadership. (sda/red)
Created: 09.11.2019, 14:58 PM