at the end of August Wolfgang Zanger has spent a nice day. On Facebook, the FPÖ-politician posted a photo of him in Lederhosen in front of a wooden wall, sitting with a young woman who clings with arms and head on his shoulders. “It was really a great and true joy,” writes Zanger, the “love Philippa Strache”, which is to be seen with him in the picture. “The true policy is, to just be with people!”
Two months later, the two deputies in the newly elected Federal Parliament, but the location is from your point of view fairly, as they say in Austria, of disgusting: Philippa Strache has been excluded from the FPÖ, her husband, the longtime head of the radical-right Austrian party, is suspended as member due to a fundraising affair. And from the Styria-born Wolfgang Zanger is in the midst of a veritable scandal, which comes in for his regional Association at an inopportune time, because at the end of November the state election is coming up.
But all of the series.
The song book and his songs
the frets, the scandal – again – a book with songs from the English national Milieu of the men. A Band in which all the verses are included, from which Nazi glorification and anti-Semitism swells and Austria as a country is reviled. As the crown newspaper first reported, say it in the song book, among other things, “Heil Hitler, you old Germans”, they are singing about men in the Nazi-killing units of the SS and SA.
Also, the state of Austria and the Austrians will be made in a song bad: based on the national anthem of Austria “Land of the creeper” and “the Land of the pusher” is referred to, as “grease money to the rich”. The Republic is presented as a dysfunctional state, “scandals then cover up”, it means “only in Austria”.
elsewhere it’s called, “Rothschild” was the “biggest pig”. The Name of the Rothschild family is in extreme right circles for decades, a Synonym for anti-Semitic prejudices, according to which Jews are supposedly a flat rate of greedy and sneaky. The Hitler Regime has fired with the name Rothschild, always the hatred of Jews, today it is a part of the variant-rich tale of a Jewish world conspiracy.
The crown newspaper, the now were publicised song book bears the title: “Song of songs, for 125. Foundation of the Corps Austria Knittelfeld” anno 2005. Which leads back to Wolfgang Zanger. The FPÖ-the Deputy declared that it is in the book as a gift by the Graz-based fraternity Cheruskia to the knittelfelder Corps, on their Facebook page, you will be greeted with “Heil Jul”.
Wolfgang Zanger and his double trouble
The FPÖ-politician brings the Causa in in trouble. He is listed on the Homepage of the knittelfelder men’s Association as a “contact person”. Zanger said the crown, he was for two years, not more “country Chairman” – the website is no longer “unfortunately up to date”. This may well be true, because the only two dates in the calendar show the state in the spring of 2018. However, he had obvious knowledge of the contents of the song book, because he himself owns a copy of “song of songs”.
On questions of the editorial Board of Tamedia as of Wednesday evening, Zanger has not responded yet. However, he has expressed elsewhere in the meantime. From the extreme right-wing content of the song book, he does not want to distance themselves, because “distance, I can tell me of something I wrote myself, or have done,” he said of the crown. “Why should I distance myself from something that others have written?”
on Facebook, he posted a verschwurbelten entry. Songs from the book, some will, but the popular festivals offered, such as “We are the grinder and come out of Paris”. These were songs that my parents sang,” writes the FPÖ-man, “I shall be ashamed of me, NEVER”. And the Freedom to complain, “to once again” serve as the “enemy number 1”.
In the process, Zanger, especially for the Deal is known. In Parliament, he denounced trade unionists and works councils as a “Beidl”, which means in the Austrian “moron” and “Idiot”, however, is also a vulgar term for male genitalia. Politically quite far to the right he has located early. In 2006, he claimed to be as fresh in the national Council, an elected Deputy in the ORF Interview, “of course there have been good sides of national socialism”. In 2016, he has been a speaker at an event of the extreme right “Identitarian movement”.
His intra-party climb is not all that harmed. On Facebook Zanger posted a photo of him surrounded by the then party leader and Vice-Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache, a right-wing collaborator, Norbert Hofer, as well as the extreme sportsman Felix Baumgartner shows, has wished for a “moderate dictatorship”. The photo published Zanger on 15. May 2019. Two days later, the Süddeutsche Zeitung and the mirror parts of the Ibiza-Videos published. Meanwhile, Strache’s going on all the political Posts and Hofer’s FPÖ-boss.
The freedom party and their counter-measures
In Austria have been in the past one and a half years, two more cases of different extreme right-wing song-books of the German national men’s Grisons Republic, the Causa Knittelfeld is number three. Every Time there was a certain connection to the FPÖ, which it has denied in each case, other aspects have been downplayed. Similarly, the party is also in the current case. Of a “nebulosen song book-history,” a “dirt bucket-staging” is launched by the speech, specifically before the state elections in Styria on 24. November. FPÖ General Secretary Harald Vilimsky, explained in a press release that “neither the FPÖ nor their policy have to do with anything to”. The FPÖ judge cited passages from this song book in the strongest possible terms, and rejects the content categorically. Zanger self-made in your own Declaration of knowledge: “reject any Form of racism, Nazism and anti-Semitism decided!”
a Little later FPÖ strategist Herbert Kickl makes for very different headlines. He wants to push back the influence of the Federal President on the formation of the government, it is called. Kickl delivers a message, which can cover other messages – for example, on the song book.
Wolfgang Zanger self do not need to fear that the FPÖ-let the Top fall. The party have made it clear with its press release everything, it means from the FPÖ. A parliamentary niche, such as Philippa Strache, who has been in the last row of the plenary hall is the seat of, remains Zanger is therefore spared. Because he is a member of the FPÖ-country party Presidium before the election anyway important.
On questions of editorial Tamedia, how many copies of the song book, there are in his Knowledge and if he has sung your own songs with the above-described highly problematic passages ever, has not Zanger answered yet.
Created: 31.10.2019, 19:48 PM