the Unemployed active in the model does not create a government crisis. That possibility is reserved for larger kiistoille employment of means or the state of a weakening economy.
instead of The active model in verbal bickering in the government. Do I have to do now compensatory measures, if the scientists do not give a definite answer on the employment effects?
in Particular karaman escort in the centre was required in the summer to wait for research active in the model the employment effects before the model of the cutter is terminated.
the Second largest government party, remind what the government programme agreed: the unemployed active in the model of cutter and obligations discharged, when the employment effects of the corresponding measures has been decided.
the Law of unemployment compensation cutter of dissolution sent to the government for comments prior to impact assessment. To the parliament the draft law to take counter-investigator-evaluation of the publication.
the draft Report: security of the beneficiaries employment is unable to reproduce
the active model, the employment effect explained the research team will assess its final report in the draft, that the coil of the basic allowance or labour market support for unemployed persons, the employment is not increased.
Conclusion the earnings-related unemployment allowance shall as regards persons was, that the active model has been able to increase employment. The effect is, however, difficult to isolate the improvement in the economic situation effects.
Read the group of researchers of the results of the final report of the draft made on the basis of the yle of thing.
the research team to publish its report tomorrow, Friday. If the final conclusion is the same as draft, the result leaves the various parties open to interpretation.
the employment effects of rapidly changed the economic situation and the appropriate control group lack of makes the assessment task difficult and the results uncertain.
active model in the research report foreword the draft
a team of researchers does not give a numerical estimate of how much the earnings-related unemployment security of employment active in the model as a result.
Vaatimuskin thousand century would, perhaps, unreasonable. Research active in the model, the introduction of way was researchers disappointing.
research department include research professor Tomi Kyyrä the state of the economic research center estimates that in 2017 at the end of the Economy in an interview (you move to another service), as follows:
This should have been carried out so that some of the group would move to the model now and the rest although in a few years. It could have been afterwards to evaluate whether it was a good idea or not, Kyyrä said.
the turn of the politicians: whether reimbursable loss of employment?
the SDP and the left alliance is now likely to interpret the researchers ‘ conclusions so that the active model replaces the act does not explicitly need to begin to list.
the party of the idea of passage could be: it is difficult to require the employment measures having equivalent effect the listing, because it is difficult to assess numerically the active model in the effects.
What we said -the idea can be in many demarin on the lips.
in the Centre again may be tempted to turn to for a change of the ministry of finance or the ministry’s direction.
the idea of the passage could be: Good post man, yes will be able to evaluate millennium research group verbal picture. So, how much earnings-related security recipients employment would be active in the model thanks to the improved.
so far, none of the government’s employment measures is not named directly in the active model as a replacement.
If the active model replaces the players have to name, especially left-wing parties likely to be interpreted as wage subsidies increase the use of, employment on trial, you and the pension pipe age increase sufficient action. The second issue is whether the interpretation centre.
Juha Sipilä (kesk.) the government’s objective of active model show was the increased employment of 8 000 people amount.
active model controversy after the government required the employment act
there Is controversy active in the model of the benefits of anything yet. Just wait until next year.
the Government’s capacity for cooperation is measured next fall. The government should hear the decisions that will help 30 000 additional jobs.
If the figure is not met, the government had to promised increases in expenditure attacked, at worst, surgery mind.
the Earnings-related unemployment security gradation – the old option active in the model – will certainly the discussions. It kept the employers ‘ organisation of concern.
Read more:
to yle’s information: active in the model the impact of staying a mystery – final report according to the security beneficiaries employment has been able to reproduce
EK: active in the model, the effect good, although it is targeted only security recipients – ministers do not comment on the unfinished report
the active model in the cutter already on the way to the dustbin – according to the minister the new “whip” the unemployed are not design
the majority of the TE office experts to abolish the active model in the
the Video: active model in the expression, Antti Rinne, the promise of the active model in the cutter of the dissolution of the
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