“The elite that control the global capital”

“by Per Shapiro about the who taking over the world and destroy it”

“the Book of the Giants: The global power elite (the Giants: the global power elite), of sociologiprofessorn and mediekritikern Peter Phillips, can be said to be our time and the sequel on the same theme. The reading gives at hand that the warnings from the past have not been taken seriously enough. The military-industrial complex has been allowed to grow to a global power elite with an almost unrestricted influence over our lives.”

“In the center of the Phillips analysis is the world’s 17 largest finance companies and fund managers, among them Black rock, Vanguard group, JP Morgan Chase. These ”giants” manages the asset corresponding to the unimaginable femhundratusen billion.”

“so astronomically capital, it is difficult to find safe investments. Therefore, the dedicated ”giants” in the financial speculation of the kind that led to the crash of 2008. Another safety valve for excess capital is war, and states of increased defence spending. A third safe bet is the privatization of everything from water rights to the public sector. ”The giants” keeps at a brisk pace to buy up the world.”

“The democratic structures will be undermined aside and replaced by militarized police states. “

“They are also massively invested in the companies that account for the largest emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Thus, it is no coincidence, says Phillips, that we are facing an unprecedented global crisis of inequality, violence, instability, environmental degradation, and mass extinction.”

“the System’s defense attorneys usually say that the middle class has never been greater than today. Against the objects he that 80 per cent of humanity remains outside of the middle class, and 30 000 die every day of starvation and malnutrition. Prosperity, says Phillips, will never trickle down to the majority of the population of the earth.”

“How, then, does the global elite rule the world? Peter Phillips divides them into four functions: the leaders, the bureaucrats, the protectors and the ideologues.”

“the Leaders (the managers) are aimed at those less than 200 senior managers who control the mentioned ”giants” and decide on how the thousands of billions to be invested. Most are shaped in private schools and elite universities. More than half comes from the united states and the rest comes primarily from the united kingdom and France.”

“They can work with democracies as well as dictatorships, as long as the elites in each country allows the capital to penetrate and prevent the indigenous populations from getting in the way.”

“Bureaucrats (the facilitators) are the global policy makers. In particular, the book focuses on the two non-governmental elite organizations Group of thirty and the Trilateral commission.”

“Where to meet should you without transparency and taking forward policies in a number of areas with importance to the global capital.”

“Their recommendations are implemented then by intergovernmental organizations such as the world Bank, the International monetary fund, the world trade organisation, the World economic forum and the G20.”

“Nato is, according to the book about to become the global capital supplementary police force that defends eliternas interests and investments around the world.”

“think Tank Atlantic council formulates policies and courses of action for the Phillips call for USAu002F-Nato empire.”

“In the board of directors include not less than 146 global makteliter. Here are the financial ”giants” are represented as well as the biggest arms producers, oil and media companies. This meets with representatives of the global capital of top names from Nato, the Pentagon and senior intelligence services – the military-industrial complex in a nutshell.”

“the Atlantic council has now also received the mandate to monitor Facebook and Twitter in order to prevent misinformation.”

“This is despite the fact that several members of the board participated in the desinformationskampanjen that was the basis for the invasion of Iraq.”

“the Ideologues. Last but not least, the global maktelitens ideologues. In the united states has gone from 50 different media companies during the 1980s, down to only six giants which today controls more than 90 per cent of all newspapers, tv and radio stations, and the like dominate the news in the united states and large parts of the world.”

“These six giants get more than two-thirds of its content delivered by the firms within it, which Phillips refers to as PRP (public relations propaganda). PRP is dominated in turn by the three giants Omnicom group, WPP and Interpublic group.”

“the Concentration of ownership has, according to Phillips resulted in increased ideological control over the news feed. The commercial media and PRP-companies described as the military-industrial complex’s propaganda tool.”

“Phillips thinks that it is wrong to call the big media houses for mainstream. The term he wants in place for the use of the alternative media, which he believes represents ”the mainstream of humanity.” “

“Giants: The global power elite describes a world where the democracy is so important rågångarna between capital and the state, media and pr, business and the military, are erased. The reading makes me think of Mussolini’s vision of the perfect society ”where you will not be able to chip in with a cigarette paper between the state and large companies”. Phillips predicts that the democratic structures will be undermined aside and replaced by militarized police states. “

“As the end aimed sociologiprofessorn and researchteamet at Sonoma state university to the power elites in a letter and ask them to make the changes necessary for the survival of humanity. The letter ends with the words:”

“”the Concern is spreading in the world. The environment can’t handle more pollution and destruction. Nedsipprandet (trickle-down) must be to a flood of resources that reach every child, every family and all the people.””

“Naive may seem. But an outstretched hand perhaps is a constructive end to a book that wants to understand the mechanisms behind the world’s increasing polarization.”

“Free from any defects, it is not. Sweeping in some parts and overly black (hopefully) in their production of mainstream journalism. But required reading for anyone who wants to study power in the world. And a unique research material associated with the for all those who want to dig further.”

“Giants: The global power elite”