It was in the last week that the accident, in connection with a minröjningsinsats led by Nato. A land mine that is derived from the second world war exploded and three soldiers were wounded.

One of the soldiers died in an hour after the incident. On Wednesday, the Latvian minister of defense Artis Pabriks to a second soldier, a major, died during an operation at a hospital in the capital city of Riga.

– I would like to express my deepest sympathy for the soldiers ‘relatives and friends, for their employees and for the Albanian people,” says Artis Pabriks to the AFP news agency.

four multinational battalions in the Baltic states and Poland in order to defend countries against possible Russian provocations. Battalion in Latvia, led by Canada, and also includes troops from Albania, the Czech republic, Italy, Montenegro, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.

Unexploded sea – and land mines from the first and the second world war is found yet on a daily basis in Latvia.