“Veteran arrested for dådplaner in Los Angeles”
“An american war veteran has been arrested on suspicion of having planned a number of attacks with explosive devices in the Los Angeles area in the western united states.”
“the Plans posed a serious threat from”
“The 26-year-old man has served in Afghanistan, after which he converted to islam. In conversations, he expressed a willingness to become a martyr and communicated plans to detonate a homemade explosive device at a högerextrem demonstration in a suburb of Los Angeles. The person he wrote to was, however, an agent of the federal intelligence service, the FBI, who acted under the cover.”
“the Actual arrest was carried out in conjunction with that the man received what he thought was a sharp explosive device that he could use in the planned attack. The subject stated to have been to avenge the terrorist attacks against mosques in new zealand Christchurch.”