“The swimming moose, a slow success,”
“the Moose that live and migrate towards the richer pastures in Västernorrland has aroused the fascination and delight of in Sweden.”
“The slow pace of the format borrows its style from Norway, who has done”
“Suddenly they stand there, a group of moose snorts and gently dip the hooves in the water. And so they go out, one by one, with a determined leader at the forefront. In the river, turn their large bodies to the shearing ears that send pulsating ripples over the surface of the water.”
“In several thousand years it has been the moose vårvandrat – from the coast of Västernorrland, where they spend the winter, over the River and up towards the rich pastures in the mountains. But this year they have company. 22 strategically positioned cameras follow the älgarnas swimming, and everything that happens in between. Thus, not much.”
“the Program has become an unexpected success. The live broadcast, which is expected to run for 450 hours and completed on may 2, has so far played in a total of two million hours on SVT Play.”
“– We went ourselves in the time and the idea, but that it would become this big, we had no idea about. We have received terrific feedback from viewers of almost all ages, ” says project manager Johan Erhag to the TT.”
“Slow tv has been called the”
“since Then, the NRK produced a long series of slow tv productions. A four weeks-long trek through the Norwegian national parks attracted great interest – the program was seen by and to of three million viewers.”
“The slow pace is the format the big benefit, like Thomas Hellum – it reflects the life as it is the most.”
” Usually, nothing happens – but then suddenly, something happens! Viewers can decide for themselves if it is exciting or not. And they know that nothing has been taken away, no producer has cut in it. It is an honest window into the world.”
“In the same way, rests a low-key tension of the Ångermanälven river outside Junsele. At the bottom of the screen right corner of the screen indicates the SVT a number – the number of moose which has so far taken over the river.”
“– the Idea was first to make a let nature take care of, but we had a hard time to catch the moose in the picture. We didn’t know when they would come. In this way, it is perfect for slow tv. It is unpredictable and based on that the viewer is active, ” says Johan Erhag.”
“On the screen has no moose had been seen in several hours. But so is moving the water, just behind a grankvist who is dancing in the wind.”
“Oh. It was certainly just a mallard.”
“the Moose is in the Swedish forest thirsty animals. Yet it is far from all swedes that have seen a moose. They are timid animals, with many reasons to stay away from the man. In Sweden pushed up to 100 000 moose per year. The total stock was estimated 2016 of the institute Skogforsk be 350 000 moose.”
“Hunting is one of the reasons that the elk has a shortened life expectancy in the wild – only between eight and ten years. In captivity they can live twice as long. Another cause is road traffic accidents.”
“the Moose to swim when they move to new pastures, mainly in spring. They can then swim long, up to several miles. In the last year found a two-year älgkviga in north zealand in Denmark, where wild elk have not been observed since the 1990s. Danish nature agency assumes that the heifer has swum there from Sweden.”
“the Moose live in all of Sweden except Gotland.”
“Sources: Skogforsk with multiple”