Further, it is unclear when the 737 Max is allowed to start – but Boeing looks, thanks to a Software Update on a good way: The airplane will, “is one of the first, ever flown”.
Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg, the shareholders ‘ meeting began with a memorial minute for a total of 346 victims of the two air crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia. Then he taught the view to the front is: On the way to the re-admission of the suspended 737 Max will be company get on well. Boeing have already completed 146 test flights and 246 hours of flight time with the new Software.
This will prevent that the nose of the aircraft due to a faulty sensor going down to the bottom. Literally, Muilenburg said that Boeing 737 Max will be “one of the safest aircraft ever flown”. In the coming weeks to complete a test series with representatives of the aviation authorities from the United States and the EU.
After two crashes of the 737-Max have to stay machines currently on the floor. The U.S. aviation authority FAA has to approve the Software Update before you are allowed to lift it again.
shareholders in respect of threatened
cost concerned, However, both shareholders and the media confronted the Boeing CEO with critical questions. Muilenburg dismissed reports that Boeing have neglected security issues, in order to bring the new aircraft as quickly as possible on the market.
The shareholders are also concerned about the threat of follow-on costs: Already, Boeing has to wear a billion dollars more of cost. Added to this are claims for damages by the affected airlines and the families of the victims. The stock price of Boeing has lost since the second crash in less than 15 percent of their value.