Ranst The residents of the asielcentrum in Broechem (Ranst) don’t understand why Daniel, the 9-year-old Palestinian boy has been killed. “He was always cheerful, and Monday night he played with my children”, says the Afghan father Salarzai.
Last night, the residents of Block C in the asielcentrum no eye closed. In a ditch behind that building was hours earlier, the 9-year-old Daniel C. found. The boy is, according to the public prosecutor’s office in suspicious circumstances and died. Residents claim that the boy on hands and feet was tied up and that his body was ondergestopt in the canal. The Antwerp public prosecutor gives at the moment no further explanation. Five young Palestinians have been arrested. The public prosecutor conducts an investigation into murder.
Mounir: “Everyone in Block C is the last night together in the restaurant. We were scared. Who can now a pleasant boy as Daniel such a thing? He danced always, he made music.”
According to the residents there is in the camp with no supervision. Only at the reception desk at the entrance, there is security personnel.
Daniel, along with his 26-year-old mother of Amani over four months ago to Belgium to come. They stayed in a refugee camp in Lebanon. The father of the boy would be still in Lebanon.
From the family C. stay more family members in Belgium. They were here earlier for political asylum.
Premier Michel promises a transparent investigation
The death of Daniel becomes, of course, also the government. “It is very tragic, our thoughts go to the family and the relatives of the child”, says prime minister Michel to VTM NEWS. “The government now wants a transparent investigation to ensure. We have confidence in Justice to have brought to light what has effectively happened.”
“We are very sad each time there is such a sad incident occurs,” said Michel. “The minister has immediately and properly responded and announced that there would be a transparent investigation. We think of the mother of the child and his neighbors.”