“Researcher: So can the world’s traffic jams are shortened to”

“A new way to control the traffic signals can reduce traffic jams by up to ten per cent.”

“that is The claim of one researcher in Lund, who suggests a simple solution – to let the cameras determine how long it should be green light.”

“A camera at every traffic light would read of traffic jams in real time,” says Gustav Nilsson, a phd in automatic control at Lund technical university (LTH).”

“– Yes, the basis is that with current technology to measure kölängderna with cameras. Based it can the traffic lights set up better and smarter.”

TT: It sounds simple?”

” it– It’s very simple, it just requires some input to get it to work in real environment so that car drivers expect.”

“In Gustav Nilsson’s recently published doctoral thesis On Robust Distributed Control of Transportation Networks, he has developed a mathematical theory for how the governance of the traffic signals can be made more flexible. It is about measuring and let bilköernas length determine how long the green light should be up and running, writing Lund university in a press release.”

“today is controlled traffic lights instead of a kind of sensors in the form of magnetdetektorer that lie buried under the asphalt. They know whether it is a car nearby or not, and the traffic lights can be set to time so that at peak times, for example, is formed a chain of green lights through the city.”

“What the current system can’t do is take into account how many cars that actually stands and waits when it has become red in a certain place, according to Gustav Nilsson.”

“– You can only know if there is a car on the spot, but there is poor information about the queue length.”

“If the traffic lights instead, is controlled in real-time would the traffic flow be easier and be able to take direct account of the traffic jam or any accidents. And the environment would benefit, claims researcher.”

“– In the simulations we run went the time people spend in traffic down by 5-10 per cent. You can get it down so there will be major environmental impacts.”

“Gustav Nilsson has not tried his theory out on the field, but only in a computer a reality with the Luxembourg model. Yet the issue of the doctor convinced that a camera solution will become a reality eventually.”

“– Yes, in the near future. The technology is there.”

“Trafiksignalen for biltrafikanter has three ljusöppningar with red, yellow and green light. Red light means stop and green run. At the yellow light to slow down, unless the light just switched from green to yellow.”

“There are different controls of the signal. But they can be controlled by a fixed schedule independent of traffic volume, on the one hand a direct control where the cars are registered by sensors in the asphalt. Signal know when of if a metal object passes over them.”

“the Signals can be controlled locally, or via a system that takes into fordonsimpulser for a whole road network. The signals are linked together in a central computer and is controlled by various programs which then controls the traffic.”

“Sources: Encyclopedia and NTF”