No scaremongering. Not something to point the finger at political opponents.
Up to the last election beat Lars Løkke Rasmussen (V) real, that he intended to lead a positive campaign. It is kind of, he believed that the politicians owed the danes.
But when three of the Loop of ministers on Tuesday troppede up to a press conference in the Liberal party gruppeværelse, had changed his tune apparently got a different sound among the Liberal party the government troops.
Employment Troels Lund Poulsen, Danish minister for development cooperation Ulla Tørnæs and, not least, foreigners, integration, Inger Støjberg spent the most of their speaking time to state that the consistent immigration policy is a thing of the past, if there comes a red government after the elections.
the Ministers had in particular noted that the radical leader, Morten Østergaard, has demanded a showdown with the paradigm shift in immigration matters, such as the blue government has implemented, with support from the Danish people’s Party and the Social democratic party.
– It is clear that Morten Østergaard’s requirements means that the paradigm shift be rolled back with a red government. It is absolutely the wrong way to go and is a serious concern, says it sounded, for example, from Støjberg during the press conference.
– Why is there a need to say that it will have very serious consequences for Denmark, if the Social democrats come to power and eased immigration policy, she continued.
This rant is immediately in contrast to prime minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen’s message ahead of the general election in 2015.
– instead of pointing fingers at political opponents, I think we owe it to ourselves, each other, and not least the danes to use the time up to the next election a battle of ideas, it sounded from the Loop during Folkemødet on Bornholm.
Subsequently, the detected Loop to Berlingske:
– I want to lead a positive campaign, like I did at the last election, said Lars Løkke Rasmussen.
Tuesday was the Noose confronted with his previous statements
– do you consider yourself, In living up to the ideal of the press conference, held today?
– 100 percent. And we are not pointing fingers at anyone, because it is completely fair to have the view that people on passive welfare should have more money. What is not fair is that you do not want to tell you how much more you need to put benefits up. Therefore, there is probably fair enough to ask that question, it sounded from the prime minister.
– The idea had Left myself with at the press conference?
We had the idea that we need to maintain the immigration policy, we have developed, and stand guard around it. Policy is to make some choices, and it can not be the case that if I do not go to the polls on that we need to tighten further, then I must not say something in this debate.