the social democrats, the Moderates and the Centre party are the three main parties in Sunday’s preliminary election results.

It is above all the Centre party, the Christian democrats and the Left party that is moving forward compared with the previous term. The centre party gets 17 percent of the vote, an increase from 11.4 per cent from 2014 – and an increase from 14.8 percent in the annulled elections last year.

ruled the Centre party, the green Party and the social democrats in the Falun municipality. After the elections in 2018, changed the Centre party page, and since then has governed in an alliance with the Conservatives, the Liberals, the Christian democrats and the Falupartiet, with the support of the Left party. The page is after Sunday’s elections are still the greatest.

Only 36 of the 37 röstdistrikten counts for Sunday. The results of the election can still be changed up until Wednesday, when the late förtidsrösterna count. The final election results presented by the county about a week after election day.

on the couch with 145 votes which made the local election in september had to be done. The chairman Håkan Hammar (M), visited several polling stations during Sunday. His said earlier in the Sunday night that his image is that many decided to vote.

” It has been pretty quiet and hardly any queues. I have listened a bit, and it will appear in the voters ‘lists to förstagångsväljarna is the group where there are not so many votes, the elderly have been more diligent,” says Håkan Hammar.

the situation that has arisen, and predicted that Sunday’s turnout would be 60 percent compared with the autumn nearly 90 percent.

” I don’t like it at all. Democracy is the finest we have in this country. Will voter turnout this low, so you have to wonder when democracy stops having any function. The more people who vote, the more secure it becomes that the masses want, ” says Håkan Hammar.

According to the preliminary figures from The election authority landed participation in the re-election of 59.9 per cent.

the law should be rewritten so that it does not require re-election after a delayed postsäck, and mean that the votes could have been counted in the after care of, for example, the County administrative board.

Now it became so to the 145 votes in postsäcken who came late to the rösträkningslokalen annulled. Valprövningsnämnden then drew the conclusion that the late votes are likely to have affected the election results in the municipality and, therefore, decided that a re-election would be held.