Langemark-Poelkapelle, The children of out-of-school childcare (BKO) Out in Langemark may Monday, at the start of the easter holidays, but in the half of their playground romp. A row nadarhekken must prevent that they are too close to the garden of a neighbor and so disturb the silence. “We understand it is not a problem. Let children play outside”, say the employees of the child care. “The reception has always been here. The complaints started after a new construction was realized.”
“As you know, we already have a number of years, faced with complaints about noise from the neighbourhood of the out-of-school child care of Langemark”, is to be read in an e-mail to the parents that from Monday, their children in the shelter stay. “The Outsider follows the vision that children playing during the day, by definition, no noise, and that play is a right of every child. However, we should be looking for structural solutions to the neighbours continue to live together. Meanwhile, it was a decibel or sound study conducted to determine what measures are effective. In mediation between the neighbors and the schepencollege, was agreed to during the first week of the Easter holidays, a part of the garden. The intention is to determine what impact this has on the sound”, is to read.