“The Pollen or the common cold – so you know the difference?”

“runny nose, watery and itchy eyes.nPollensäsongen is here again, but how do you know if you are affected by pollen allergies or the common cold?”

“With the spring comes the common cold, or? Maybe you are one of those who during all the years mistaken your long-lasting cold with pollen allergy.ear symptoms are very similar, the basic rule is that if a cold in the summer is not given with her after a week so there is a risk that it is pollen that causes the symptoms and not a cold.”

“hay fever is common and you tend to appreciate that about one-fifth of all teens and adults suffering from pollen allergy. Usually start problems are already as a child, but it can also be pollenallergiker in adult age. The discomfort usually becomes less as you reach middle age.nBjörkpollensäsongen usually pull the trigger in april in the south of Sweden and then hold until June. The greatest inconvenience in the summer suffer most probably of grass-pollen allergy. Many are allergic to both birch and grass, and then has problems during large parts of spring and summer.”

“Source: Pollenkollen, 1177.see”