The stadium debate is very lively more: Where to build Hertha BSC in the Olympic Park or at another location? Now also sports Senator Andreas hostage, SPD with mixes. He sees the persistently expressed desire of Hertha BSC, to build a football stadium in the Olympic Park, very critical.
The previous plans had assumed that the new emerging three-quarters outside of the listed Olympia site. “Other locations in the middle of the Olympic site, not make the debate easier,” said hostage during question time in the house of representatives on Thursday. The Association sees on the 130-acre site “three to four variants of” to build a stadium – and then the old tenements could remain standing; to the 24 apartments, the project had failed.
as To other possible locations for a Hertha-Arena in Berlin, currently it is speculated, would not comment on the Senator for Sport, as reported, were called on Wednesday, the locations on the airport Tegel and in Pankow to the North.
“We’ll see what the other talks.” The “actual communication” of the Bundesliga team hostage is surprised. Apparently, it was Herthas strategy, “public pressure.” What he meant was a background conversation with journalists, the Association of leadership on Wednesday invited, after the coalition groups of the SPD, Left and Green, but also a Senator hostage had issued the previous plans of the club for a new stadium on the edge of the Olympic Park is a cancellation.
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the occasion was a letter from the building and the housing society, 1892, with the negotiations with Hertha on a replacement site for 24 dwellings, the need to yield to have the new building, have been cancelled.
Senator hostage was also critical of the Hertha BSC have answered the questions of sport politicians in the house of representatives of the groups and of the Senate to the stadium project so far “not satisfactory”. This relates not only to the Problem of cooperative settlement, which would have to be demolished, but also, for example, the noise protection. He objected to the contrary, Statements made by the Hertha Manager Klaus Teichert, for the construction of responsible.
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Nevertheless, hostage announced that the talks with Hertha BSC would continue. “We are going to talk in peace.” It was not only a major Berlin sporting club, but also a big business, that the Senate wanted to hold in Berlin.
So, the converted Olympic could the stadium look for more pictures of view 1 of 20Simulation: gmp/Senat22.05.2018 16:39Die other idea, as of may 2018. Also, the Senate has with the architecture office gmp thoughts on the reconstruction of the Olympic stadium…previous Next
The reluctance of the Senate to the construction plans, reasoned the Senator, “a departure from the Olympic stadium at risk whose cost-effectiveness”. Additional concerts or similar events in the Olympic stadium could not compensate for the loss of revenue.
Hertha is the only tenant in this building and wants to move in 2025, in a football arena. This would be such a hostage, for the country’s own Olympic stadium GmbH is a “significant economic challenge,”. Hostage sees still ways to keep the Bundesliga in the “Oly”. Especially since there in the foreseeable future, major renovation work would be taking place. In this connection, the Association, apparently by football just tag measures remain to be made in the tradition of arena and tasty. Hertha BSC rejects this categorically.
And in August of 2018, sports Senator Andreas hostage himself had passed from the tag: “200 millions of Euro of taxpayers’ money and the main users of Hertha BSC afterwards, says he, of wool it is quite a lot of money. I think that’s excluded.”
ideas and pictures of the Hertha to the stadium look for more pictures of view 1 of 14Simulation: Hertha BSC/AS+P18.05.2018 07:51Stand may 2018: the new stadium, the Hertha BSC wishes – on the edge of the Olympic Park. On the left of the…Back Next
money for police operations? Hostage sees critical
to participate, Regardless of looks Interior and sport, Senator hostage play, the judgment of the Federal administrative court, football clubs in the so-called high security at the cost of the police operations, critical. Clubs in the lower leagues could bring to the brink of insolvency. In addition, he understood it as his task to promote the Sport and not financially restricted. After all, it is, at least in the Olympic stadium, in the case of such police operations to six-digit amounts. Hostage relies on the fact that the conference of interior Ministers of the Federation and the länder in the summer to agree on a single set of rules.
Here Herthas new stadium is to be built for more pictures of view 1 of 18Foto: Henning Onken01.12.2018 13:36Sechs houses at the end of the cul-de-SAC, two-storey clinker brick buildings from the Seventies.Back Next
read more about the stadium debate in the daily mirror
– New Arena at the airport Tegel as the “most logical Option” ? Berlin’s Bundesliga team wants to build a football stadium. After the cancellation for the Olympic Park, a new location ideas are circulating, others are off the table. A review in the daily mirror.
“Annoying, half-hearted, stupid”: The policy is not wanted, Hertha has underestimated the situation completely. the Now there is only a loser – and a solution. A Daily Mirror Comment.
– Hertha BSC wants to build the new stadium, according to reports in spite of the cancellation of the city in the Olympic Park . A new alternative location for residents to circulate. Here is the daily mirror-Text.
residents fight back against the construction of the new stadium of Hertha BSC. Now it was loud – not just through football. Here is the daily mirror-Text.
More about
Berlin-Charlottenburg local residents oppose construction of the new stadium of Hertha BSC
André Görke Ulrich Zawatka-Gerlach
– it’s just more money? In the summer of 2017, it said: “ A new stadium, we don’t want to stand in the way of “, sagtr the owner of the controversial housing complex on the edge of the Olympic Park. Potential new tenants will now say clearly that you should not set up necessarily to be forever. “There is the agreement that Hertha buys us houses when it comes to stadium construction.” Click here to read the daily mirror the Text from the summer of 2017.