A legendary place, the border is A permeable Structure between Mexico and the United States, and a demarcation line between the Anglo-Saxon and Hispanic world. The border, la frontera: lawlessness, appends these words, in 1969, bloodthirsty exploited by Sam Peckinpah in his classic Western “The Wild Bunch”.

Or Steven Soderbergh in “Traffic”, a Film about the drug trafficking along the border.

The limit is but at the same time, hope, like the Film “El Norte” 1983 showed so forcefully. Because North of the border begins the promised Land for migrants from Latin America, for Paperless asylum seekers and Desperadoes.

Now the border has once again become a political football, a bulwark in the eyes of a President who has made immigration the chief thing, and doing, as he could turn the demographic clock back and make his Nation again, which was once predominantly white and inhabited by the descendants of Europe.

“then the border is closed.” the Donald Trump via Twitter

Donald Trump owes the border a lot. She had a share in his ascension. Because it was their permeability, which aroused the anger of many voters. To ignore the Fears of these voters, helps just as little as the scaremongering of the top border protector in the White house.

His wall may be a figment of the imagination, the problems along the border, however. Over 100’000 immigrants were recorded in March, 40’000 children and young people in custody.

trump is the answer to that is a threat: He wants to close the border. “Our detention centres are full, and we will not be taking any Illegal anymore, then the border is closed,” he tweeted on Monday. It was “serious”.

Be a migration consultant and an arming Stephen Miller wants to take the countries of Central America, from where most migrants come, in the duty. Only the “value-free asylum claims could be curbed,” he says.

The United States bear a share of responsibility

but What is worthless and what is worthless? Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador are home to the majority headed for the border. Violence, poverty, and criminal gangs dominate the everyday life of this Desperate. The USA bear in mind to blame. Central America was always a backyard, a collection of banana republics in which grubby children lived and autocrat by the grace of Washington ruled. Mucksten the inhabitants, was the CIA .

Trump accuses the pathetic Trio to do enough against the emigration. He would like to emphasise, therefore, $ 500 million in US aid funds for the Region, which will worsen the situation. There is still more to be trying Desperate to reach the promised Land. Even if Trump should close the border. Then drag the migrants through the deserts in Texas and Arizona. You will be swimming across the Rio Grande and in small boats on the California coast to land. Some of us will die.

Were more important than people

also, the communities are Suffering on both sides of the border, if Trump makes good on his threat. La frontera is a living organism, and the border is an artificial barrier just to the Back and Forth of the people.

The American chamber of Commerce has warned Trump prior to the closure of the border crossings: It would be “an economic disaster”. Because across the border is to be carried, what the American economy needs. And what food the Americans: Avocados. Raspberries and strawberries. Asparagus. Zucchini and tomatoes. Soon fruits and vegetables in U.S. supermarkets sold out. On Tuesday, employees of the President not sought, therefore, only the person to stop but the movement of goods across the border. Were are apparently more important than people.

trump’s Basis would be delighted, when asparagus and strawberries, but not people crossing the border. And your Idol it had once more shown: 3144 kilometres without transport!

Ranting against the wall is not enough.

the Democrats are now demanded. To rant against trump’s wall, is no longer sufficient. How about a “Marshall plan” for Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, the democratic presidential candidate Julian Castro is proposing? As with comprehensive immigration Reform, the revised asylum law? Or with a legalization of all in the land of ligand Sans-Papiers?

The head in the Sand the Democrats can no longer get stuck. Particularly in the States of the Midwest, the immigration from the South is a hot topic. And Trump was in 2016, just there. He will be in 2020, when the Democrats find no convincing answers.

On Friday for a visit to Trump’s the limit. He will make new sentiment against migrants and to claim that he could control the border. He can’t do it. White Trump, that there is this limit only for the shameful war the US of America against Mexico from 1846 to 1848? The campaign was a precursor to the war against Iraq in 2003, an Exercise in lying, Machismo, and Patriotic howls. It cost Mexico half of its national territory.

Since then, la frontera exists, this mythical gate to the North.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 03.04.2019, 19:25 PM