the Peak year of 2017 began the construction of the 63,000 housing units, according to Statistics sweden (SCB). It is the highest level in decades.

But already in the autumn of 2017 slowed the housing market, which hit particularly the construction of condominiums. In 2018, the decreased number of housing starts to 53.000, even if the number of people employed in the industry continued to increase, according to the Recommendation (BI) latest konjunkturrapport.

It is not unusual that the effect on employment of a slowdown in a particular market comes with a delay. But according to the BI contributes to both the lack of a qualified workforce and slower economic growth when growth in employment is now sinking.

with the growth of employment in the year is broadly unchanged compared with the previous year. Next year, however, the effect of the lower construction and the lower economic growth to hit against employment. BI expects that employment in the industry decreases by 2.3%, or 7.000 jobs.

Like many other actors in the housing market, BI is critical to the heightened amorteringskravet introduced in the last year. Together with the other credit crunch hampering the ability of, in particular, those who are buying their first home to enter the market, says BI.

This means that in regions where the labour market is strong, will be long waiting lists, with more and more reference is made to the sublease.

and out to rent a condominium in one room and a kitchen costs around 13 000 dollars a month. To purchase an equivalent housing had, according to BI estimates, given a boendeutgift of about 8 000 sek, including mortgage payments.

last year, began the construction of 11,000 individual houses, 16.000 condominiums and 25,000 rental units, and 600 to 700 ägarrätter. The trend, to rental apartments dominate construction, expect BI to continue throughout the forecast period until 2020.

But the forecast is that overall housing construction continues to decline, from less than 53.000 in the last year to 44,000 this year and 39.500 next year.

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