”Half the power, full wage” was and is one of the more laconic slogans for those who demand and work for equality between the sexes. Whether it be one or the other can be said to be achieved in the Sweden to 2019. The documentation of the facts in this area is extensive and good intentions and stated goals, there are plenty of. The Swedish trade union confederation in Sweden, set the 2016 target of halving the gender pay gap between women and men in the LO collective within ten years.
the trade Unions in the 6F has an ongoing project on the Swedish wage formation. The starting points for the utredningsprojektet is to lönebildningsmodellen that was established after the 90’s crisis, with the so-called ”brand” established in negotiations between the industry parties should be problematized, both to a wide socio-economic as a gender. I got at the end of last year a mission within the project to investigate different ways to achieve the gender equality goal, as LO was sitting up. Earlier, it is well known that the target looks to be reached with the current trends. The report ”Paths to equal pay in the working class” presented today and shows what kind of wage increases that would be needed for gender equality would be achieved.
For women, the average 31 700 sek and for men it was 35 700 sek. In the worker’s jobs, and thus the Swedish working class was the average monthly salary 25 528 sek for women and 28 for 147 dollars for men. Arbetarkvinnors monthly salary is in average of around 91 per cent of the arbetarmäns monthly salary – a pay gap between the sexes at 9 percentage points.
Barriers also exist in some of the ingrained thought and känslomönstren among the social partners and within the establishment of the lönebildningens area.
the pay gap between the sexes within the working class are not explained by individual and in this case, illegal wage discrimination, but women dominate in areas such as child and elderly care and health care, where wages are lower than in, for example, mining, construction and energy sector where men dominate in number. The collective värdediskriminering that these groups of women are subjected to is the to begin with legalised. Furthermore, it is for me impossible to not also see a considerable measure of patriarchal and capitalist – resistance in the Swedish society to do something about this värdediskriminering.
In the report, recognized three alternative ways to reach the LO’s goal of halving, respectively, of a conventional feminist-motivated erasure of the gender pay gap between women and men in the Swedish working class:
1 låglönelyft in sek combined with the percentage wage increase for the other groups over a period of ten years. During a breakpoint on the 28 000 sek in salary given an employee a wage increase in sek. The breakpoint is strategically defined to include the largest female occupational group, namely nurses.
2 A ”avtrappat” kronpåslag for all – most of the crowns to those with the lowest pay. Employees are divided into six lönegrupper and each group is given the wage increase in dollars over ten years. The individual who ”jumps” from one group to another from one year to another, for thus a lower wage increase after ”the jump”. Thus, it is not a question about professions that currently have the lowest pay would run past the groups that today have the highest salary.
3 A ”targeted” raise to 16 the female-dominated professions. Based on the statistics I’ve selected, among other groups, nursery nurses, assistant nurses, personal assistants, cleaners and restaurant – and köksbiträden. These groups may, in this lönebildningsmodell a higher percentage wage increase than all other groups during a period of ten years.
In this report I several different examples of each of these models.
• the Calculations show that the economic equality between the sexes within the Swedish working class can be reached, for example, by a wide låglönelyft on 2 100 sek over ten years for those with over 28 000 sek in salary and 2 percent per year for all others. But both a ”avtrappat” increased pay in sek as a ”targeted” raise for selected occupations, most in the health and social care, are significantly more resource efficient ways to achieve gender equality regarding salaries in the Swedish arbetsklassen than the model which has so far been tested, namely variants of the låglönelyft in sek combined with procentpåslag for the other (path 1).
• A avtrappat increased pay in sek (path 2), which gives us equal pay in the LO collective about ten years out so that all of the over 28 000 sek monthly salary of 1 500 dollars more a month, over 29 000 1 250 sek, for 30 000 sheep 1 000 sek, the during the 31 000 will receive sek 750, the over 32 000 kronor 500 kronor, and those with the highest salaries receive sek 250. This ”avtrappade” the road to equal pay ”costs” approximately 80 billion less in lönekostnadsökning than the broader låglönelyftet in sek.
• A ”targeted” increase in the % of 16 female dominated professions (path 3), which provides equal pay within ten years; the 16 professions get 5% in salary increase in five years, then 4% increment in five years, while all other groups will get 2 per cent over the decade. Such a raise ”costs” about 40 billion more than it avtrappade lönelyftet, but is also considerably ”cheaper” than löneökningsmodeller according to the way 1.
Lars Calmfors has in a previous report in the same lönebildningsprojekt pointed to the great challenge that lies ahead of us when it comes to supplying the public sector’s welfare and the hemmamarknadsorienterade companies with competent staff and has problematizing industrimärket in this perspective.
the Industry brand that it is today by percent means that those with higher salaries receive higher salary increases in dollars than those with a low salary. Of course it is an unsustainable way to achieve equal pay. To equal pay, require a redistribution of löneutrymme from men to women. My report points out a number of different ways to do this.
It will be very exciting to follow if the LO and its counterparts in the Swedish labour market is able to even out the pay differential between the sexes within the working class. At the same time as the report points out several ways to do this, so suggesting that barriers also exist in some of the ingrained thought and känslomönstren among the social partners and within the establishment of the lönebildningens area.
The current circumstances – acute shortage of personnel in healthcare and care and the economic ojämlikhetens distribution as the increasingly obvious explanation for our concern, the political landscape – ought to be good soil for a decisive fatal blow against the economic inequality in Sweden. The major obstacle, of course, is not the ”old men” in LO.
”the elders” of Almega, the neo-liberals in the Swedish bourgeoisie, in party politics led by women who call themselves feminists, and the treasury, and hull played an important role in the lingering reluctance to break up the fiscal policy framework and expand the welfare system by hiring more and raise wages for the hundreds of thousands of women who educate, nurture, and provide for our most human needs when we are born, we are sick and when we die.