After the Blockade in the house of Commons EU negotiator Barnier, a hard Brexit for more and more likely. Still, he had to prevent. For this, there is a need, but a positive vote to exit the contract.
The EU negotiator Michael Barnier, a disorderly exit of Britain from the EU is increasingly likely. The scenario was to prevent, however, said Barnier, and recalled the already negotiated exit agreement.
“If Britain wants to leave the EU is still also an orderly way, and this agreement shall remain the only one.” A positive vote to the agreement, was to avoid it the only way a “No-Deal-Brexit”.
EU negotiators Michael Barnier warned again in front of a disorderly exit of Britain from the EU.
Two options, if the house of
keeps Barnier for to imagine. The British house of Commons but before the EU special summit on may 10. April the outlet to the contract agree to it. A renegotiation of the exit agreement from the castle.
Two options Barnier sees for the case that the British Parliament approves it in the coming days: EU-exit without a contract, or a long displacement of the Brexits. Since a shift for the EU, mountains large risks, it would take but a very good justification.
Should there be a disorderly exit, will manage the Union. Even if not everything will go smoothly. The remaining 27 member States are now prepared for it.
The lower house had rejected on Monday evening, all four are to vote, Brexit-proposals. Already three Times it has voted against the EU negotiated exit agreement.