“Trumphot about the closed border can be truly”

“President Donald Trump reiterates its threat to make a change and close the border crossings with Mexico.”

“I’m not kidding,” said a determined president to reporters in Florida, where he spent the weekend.”

“– If they do not stop it we will keep the border closed.”

“It was invandringshöken Trump that last week via Twitter to criticize former democratic presidents for what he believes is”

“the White house interim chief of staff Mick Mulvaney stressed over the weekend the warning. In an interview with the tv channel ABC, he said that ”

“– Simply put, people who work at the border crossings must now out and patrol in the desert where we do not have a wall, ” said Mulvaney.”

” We need border security and we will do the best we can with what we have.”

“the Background is that the president of the Trump in the autumn did not get any attention from the Democrats for their own budget constraints at the equivalent of 50 billion dollars for a boundary wall against Mexico, one of his most important campaign promises.”

“Trump has long argued that criminals and drugs flowing in from Mexico and that a boundary wall is the only thing that can stop it. The reasoning, however, has been criticized by analysts, including with reference to the most out of knarksmugglingen is done through the regular crossings, not in the terrain where the president wants to build a wall.”

“At the side of the to close the border crossings have president Trump also threatened to suspend aid to Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.”

“In april last year, was the migration policy, when it was announced that zero-tolerance policy against illegal immigration. This means that anyone who illegally cross the southern border, are caught and prosecuted. During the financial year 2018, which expired on last september, was arrested near 397 000 persons for such crimes. It was more than 2017, but fewer than the last decade’s annual average of just over 400,000 arrests and significantly fewer than the record year of 2000 when over 1.6 million people were arrested. Then in October, however, arrests have increased greatly.”

“last autumn did the president, several high-profile verbal slurs against so-called migrantkaravan with several thousand centralamerikaner who walked against the united states. Soldiers were sent to the border before their arrival.”

“During the election campaign it was that Mexico would pay for the wall.”