The now former us cop Ruben McAusland can look forward to a longer stay in the hotel gitterly, after he on Wednesday was sentenced to close to six years in prison, writes ABC News.
the 27-year-old McAusland were prosecuted for violence against a male patient at St. Joseph’s Regional Hospital in New Jersey back in march 2018. The man was hospitalized after a suicide attempt, but was beaten by Ruben McAusland twice during my stay.
the First assault occurred in a packed waiting room, while the man sat in a wheelchair, which was filmed by the hospital’s security cameras. At the second assault struck Ruben McAusland the hospitalized man repeatedly in the face while his colleague, Roger Then, filmed it. Then have pleaded accomplice in the second robbery.
Former cop Ruben McAusland is sentenced to button six years in prison for violence and drug trafficking. Photo: Paterson Police Department.
Both videos were presented by the public prosecutor as evidence in the case against McAusland, as well as the voldssagen also was convicted of drug trafficking.
Ruben McAusland acknowledged, last year, guilty of commerce with, among others, cocaine, heroin and cannabis, which was included as a part of the judgment. According to the charges he stole on several occasions the substances from the scene of the crime while he was in the service, after which he resold them.