After ten years it’s over.

The 54-year-old journalist Anette Kokholm stops in the job as managing editor at Family Journal and ugebladsdirektør for Aller Media.

It confirms she is to Ekstra Bladet.

– We have agreed that our roads need to diverge. We are not in disagreement about strategy, but we disagree on how it should be brought out in the life, she tells of her sudden exit.

as late as Saturday evening, she was a host on the Danish top ten Price 2019 in Jyske Bank Boxen in Herning.

– Is it true that you have been fired?

– I have not any comments on.

Kokholm was the chief editor of Family Journal in 2009.

In 2014, she was also ugebladsdirektør for Aller Media. Here spoke the portfolio in addition to the Family Journal also See and Listen to, Billed-Bladet, at Home and on Sunday.

Anette Kokholm flanked by Keld Heick and Thomas Evers Poulsen. Photo: Ernst van Norde

Kokholm was really known as the host of the ‘Go’ Morgen Danmark’ at the beginning of the 00’s.

Earlier she had worked on the P3. In 2006, she was kanalchef on Channel 4, before she then in 2009 switched the tv off with the magazines.

– What to you now?

– I’m so lucky that I have been everywhere in our industry – radio, tv, newspaper, and now magazines. And I have both been a reporter, host, kanalchef and director – I have covered all the seats. So now I must spend some time to find out what the next space must be, she concludes.

Anette Kokholm graduated from the Danish school of journalism in 1990.