Rapper Cardi B intends to commercialise the legendary okur drurr-letkautuksensa.Cardi B wants to register okur drurr-word for your own trademark.

When the rest of the world said ”ok”, rapper Cardi B said the same thing ”okur drurr”. Star quirky and hilarious gaffe has got the world much attention. Now the star wants to register the word as a trademark, told the Independent-journal.

Rapper the applicant for the word mark earlier this month, the United states patent and registry office. The reason for the trademark search was the fact that the star intends to commercialise the word and it may in the future view his fan products in, for example, posters and paper cups.

Although okur drurr-word belongs originally three r-letters, Cardi B apply for sure the trade mark also okur is your word, which is just two r-letters. He told me earlier explanation of the strange word, that it sounds ”like a frozen he in the middle of New York city”. The word can be used ok in place of the word.

Cardi B get the mark of the people hullaannutti who letkautuksille. AOP

Source: the Independent.