Released from prison by ex-premier league stars Adam Johnson has asked the public image clean its help kohujulkkis Katie Pricelta.Adam Johnson is a british newspaper, the Telegraph, resorted to Katie Price’s help publicity to save his. AOP
sexual assault of a Minor in 2016 doomed to Adam Johnson was released recently from prison. Johnson carry out the remaining six years of his sentence conditionally under tight control. The british did not, among other things, to meet 4-year-old daughter without a social authority presence.
Johnson is on the loose, but the reputation is gone. The 31-year-old former Manchester City and Sunderland at the pier would still be game of the year left, but at the moment even in the surrounding area down to the minor league clubs are not willing to hire him.
Now Johnson is resorted up an interesting consultants help reputation to save, told the british newspaper, the Telegraph. Johnson is, according to the newspaper asking for help kohujulkkis Katie Pricelta .
Price came back in the famous glamour model and ”povipommina”, which enjoy a constant scandal to the headlines. He spent the early days of the artist name to Jordan. Since then, he has given up the glamour with the job. Today, he has many kind of business, inter alia, food supplements, books and perfume in the form of.
Price is the Telegraph, according to Adam johnson’s the sister of a good friend. Price is journal data according to, inter alia, advised Johnson, in what kind of situations his worth in the public eye appeared light in the picture. Also reality tv presence is according to the newspaper talked about.
Johnson was sentenced to 15-year-old, a minor, fans of sexual abuse and exploitation preparation. Johnson granted the right to treatment in contact with the fans, but confessed to initially only kissing him. Johnson tried during processing to get rid of evidence by removing her and the girl between the messaging chain. The chain had about 800 posts.
the archive video of the year 2018.