On February 22, broke the ten people at the north Korean embassy in Madrid, equipped with the imitation weapons. According to the newspaper El País, it went violently to the. The group stole computers and documents, and kept the staff hostage. They beat and strip the victims, and put bags over their heads. Three of the invaders brought with them an official down in the cellar, where they urged him to jump off.

A woman inside the embassy managed to escape through a window and called for help, whereupon a neighbor heard her cries and contacted the police. The police came to the embassy but to in the door to have encountered a man who told them that nothing special was going on. Shortly thereafter, three vehicles of the embassy. The vehicles, which belonged to the embassy, was later found abandoned.

in the past confirmed that they are investigating an attack on the embassy. On Tuesday, it published a document from the Spanish court where it says that the group who carried out the attack was led by a mexican national residing in the united states. An american citizen, and several south Korean nationals, shall also be included in the group. In the document it says that the suspects identified themselves as members of a group who are fighting for ”north korea’s liberation”. A total of seven of the ten invaders have been identified and an international arrest warrant has been issued against them, according to the sources, to El País.

According to the document, the ten people Spain immediately after the incident at the embassy. Divided into four groups, they went to Portugal, where at least the designated leader flew on to the airport in Newark in the united states. A domstolskälla said for Reuters that he believes that all of the suspects have been identified have gone to the US after the raid.

contacted the group leader, the american federal police the FBI to pass on information from the raid, according to the document. It is not clear how the court know that the man contacted the FBI.

the FBI says in a statement that it is ”our normal practice is to neither confirm or deny the existence of an investigation”. They also say that the agency has a strong cooperation with its Spanish law enforcement partners, according to Reuters.

Spanish underrättelsemän has previously concluded that the majority of the invaders were koreans, but that at least two of them had a connection to the american secret intelligence services of the CIA. According to El País to Spanish authorities have raised the issue with the CIA, which then denied involvement, ”but not in a particularly convincing way”.

the purpose of the ambassadrazzian may have been to come across information about the north Korean leader Kim Jong-Uns chief negotiator, Kim Hyok Chol, who was previously ambassador to Spain but was expelled from the country in september 2017. He is now one of Kim Jong-Uns toppdiplomater, and was, among other things, one of the brains behind the meeting between the north Korean leader and the president of the united states Donald Trump in Hanoi. The meeting was held just a few days after the incident at the embassy, and ended abruptly but that the two leaders could agree on a timetable for nuclear disarmament on the Korean peninsula.

According to a u.s. government source believed the north Korean political dissidents, the group Cheollima Civil Defense to be behind the attack. The group has not, however, taken it upon themselves.

the USA’s department of state denies that the country’s government would have something to do with the intrusion at the embassy, writes Reuters.

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