A 42-year-old man chose to steal a car, as he perhaps thought had some extra horsepower.

In any case there was for the car clamped a horse trailer, when he stole it from a property near Svenstrup, north Jutland.

It informs vagtchef by The Police Torben Larsen.

– We have had a eftersættelse inward against Aalborg at Hobrovej. We got stopped him at the intersection of Skellagervej and Hobrovej. Eftersættelsen started at low speed and lasted for about ten minutes, he says.

Biljagten lasted about ten minutes. Photo: Rene Schutze
Vagtchefen indicate that fortunately there is no injury in connection with the biljagten, and that there are only minor material damage in connection with the stopningen of the escaped car thief.

the Man, who is from the town of Thisted area, sitting currently at Aalborg police station, while the police are finished on site. According to police, there was no horse in the hestetraileren.