Style are you also someone who has her bags in a pile somewhere in a closet stores? Then it is high time to change that. A quality leather handbag you can enjoy after all the longest when you put them neatly away. And that you do so. 1. Clean

No, you stop a handbag not just with what remaining rommeltjes (bills, a pile of loose change, chewing gum, a stray tampon,…) in the cabinet. The first step is to get your bag thoroughly clean. Once the inner lining just inside out to get any particles of dust to remove and go with a cloth on the outside of the leather.

2. Fill your bag

Now your purse is empty and clean, it is time to re-fill. That do your best with dubbelfolie or tissue paper. By your bag to fill, you’ll make sure they form nice saves.

3. Allow enough space

Your handbags store your best on a piece of wood, with enough space between each copy. Make sure that any buckles or buttons do not come into contact, so that the friction is not for wear and tear. Hang bags not for a long time their handle on, because this can ensure that they may be distorted. You got a dust bag for your bag, use it also to you to ensure that your bags are in perfect condition.

3 bags for a lifetime of love