“So change your body when you quit smoking”
“When you stop smoking is made a number of changes in your body.”
“Here is the list that reveals what happens when you put out for good.”
“After you have smoked a cigarette, your body will start to work towards a normal and toxin-free existence.”
“If you have chosen to stop smoking, it’s really fast for the body to begin to restore itself.”
“Vårdguiden.see the listing of what is happening with the body. From the first few minutes without a cigarette for ten years without smoking.”
“Your blood pressure and your pulse goes down to a more normal level.”
“the Temperature of the hand and feet begin to return to normal.”
“A reason to get the wrinkles in the face, early disappear”
“You will be less tired.”
“Your life is extended by 5 minutes for each cigarette you refrain from.”
“for carbon monoxide levels in your blood decreases and approaches the normal.”
“the Oxygen gets more space and the oxygen content becomes more normal.”
“✓After two weeks to three months.”
“blood Circulation and lung capacity is improved, which makes it feel easier to walk.”
“You will get increased blood circulation in the bones and muscles and reduces the risk of injury.”
“For women increases the chances to get pregnant.”
“For men reduces the risk to get erektionsstörningar.”
“Food and drink tastes better as your taste and sense of smell gets better.”
“Your skeleton restores the strength and risk of osteoporosis decreases.”
“Cilia in your lungs have recovered and can better work with to clean your lungs.”
“You have less phlegm production and cough.”
“You have less risk of a blood clot.”
“You feel more alert than when you smoked.”
“the Damage in your blood vessels when you smoke begins to be repaired.”
“You have a better immune system and are able to resist colds and illnesses.”
“the Risk of clogs in your blood vessels and heart attack is only half as large compared to if you had continued to smoke.”
“You have received 1 000 additional hours – time that you devoted to smoking.”
“Your life is freer because you are not depending of the nicotine.”
“the Risk that you suffer a stroke is as small as that of a person who does not smoke.”
“the Cells that have been in the preliminary stage to developing cancer has healed.”
“the Risk to develop cancer including mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and cervix decreases.”
“Now, the risk is that you get lung cancer half as large compared to if you had continued to smoke.”
“the Wrinkles and the premature aging of the skin”
“Cancer in the air and the esophagus”
“Chronic bronchitis”
“pancreatic Cancer”
“Swellings in the vocal cords.”