It’s the time of year when dopningssäsongerna.

Exposed and suspected medical doping in skidsporter. Suspicious financial doping in football.

I was in Seefeld when the police did dopningsrazzia and took the racers with the needle in the arm during the world ski CHAMPIONSHIPS. We then went to Östersund and wondered how many were doped during the biathlon world CUP.

It was not possible to go to and from the Östersund ski stadium, but to look towards the football with the power companies Jämtkraft Arena and wonder: What shall happen?

on the economic brottsmisstankarna against The CLUB’s former chairman and the lead character Daniel Kindberg came in the spring of 2018 has the big question been a conviction in the trial (starting next month) would affect the club and the whole of the allsvenskan.

the Answer can wait. In the several years. In football need financial doping does not mean the automatic shutdown.

And even if Kindberg folds and both the court and the Swedish football association, believes that The CLUB made the wrong nothing will happen until at least november. Then the spikes of the Swedish football association representantskapsmöte next year’s series.

It is likely that the Kindberg appeal a conviction. How does the alliance on a non-profit organization’s near future then? It is one of the many questions hanging in the air.

Read more: the Federation signing a non-profit organization – the team is threatened by relegation

a doped riders with their medals. Pure racers have always bestulits at the moment when dreams become reality, but may in all cases be awarded a medal retrospectively.

This may prove to Östersund indulged in financial doping in the premier league but the clubs did not have a chance against a non-profit organization in the bidding on the player, and therefore less able to take up in the league system is not compensated for.

A doped skier who has taken his punishment but comes back can benefit from it as the body built up unlawfully.

Here, a conviction to show that Östersund built its success on the illegal way, people are judged but in the fotbollsrörelsen can the club take advantage of the success acquired during Kindberg-era.

fintat licensnämnden made it to expensive signings, premier league and Europa League-the adventure was possible.

I know. No one is convicted yet. In anticipation of the ruling, we can move your eyes from Kindbergs and the club’s behaviour to the Swedish football association ickeagerande.

Örebro SK was thrown in the middle of the 00’s out of the allsvenskan for the wrong that is nothing in comparison to the accusations that are top of THIS table.

Now both förbundsledning and licensnämnd done their best to duck and hope that the storm passes by. Despite the fact that it is blown around Östersunds FK and Daniel Kindberg in several years.

Östersunds-Posten and the newspaper’s slitstarke reporter Linda Hedenljung have audited the club and Kindberg long. When the magazine got stuck, it was that when the Fifa bigwigs fell, a tax authority found the suspected crime. There was another person in another city. The tracks led to Östersund and Daniel Kindberg.

Read more: Kindberg strikes back against the UG: ”Severe errors”