According to ARD-deutschlandtrend a slight majority of the German understanding has been that students have of the “Fridays for Future”Demos skip school. Unsure of the respondents on the subject of Upload Filter.
For weeks all over the world young people are going under the Motto “Fridays for Future” for more climate protection on the road instead of to school. This pushes in the case of a narrow majority of the population on acceptance: More than half (55 percent) thinks it is okay if students for participation in the demonstrations from school, 42 per cent take the opposite view.
the Majority of understanding of a truancy trend in the ARD according to the Germany-tomorrow magazine, the supporters of the Greens, the left party and to a somewhat lesser extent the SPD. The most understanding for the truancy of younger citizens under the age of 35 (70 percent).
The Union, FDP and AfD-supporters can’t find the remote to the students, however, remain largely unacceptable.
1/6 the ARD-deutschlandtrend in tomorrow magazine