“Islamophobia must be regarded as a security issue”
“How many muslims should be executed by the terrorists before the Swedish politicians dare to take the words in their mouth?”
“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”
“It accept to say, but it has been a familiar ritual around how we respond to acts of terrorism.”
“Now, we know exactly what we should say when the people, busy with their car, suddenly slaughtered by a fanatic.”
“It is not only extremely sad, the roil in addition, our understanding of what actually occurred. After the groteske influences-terroristens Brenton Tarrants mordorgie in Christchurch, it is clearer than ever.”
“When 50 moskébesökare massakreras in the live broadcast of a terrorist with a GoPro camera on the head, cheered on by their fans in the channel ”Watch people die” on the forum Reddit, devoid of most of us something meaningful to say.”
“Thanks to a simple Twittersökning I saw, almost accidentally, the beginning of a video filmed shortly after the carnage. I can’t describe the pictures. I don’t want to. But I will never forget them.”
“nMen our politicians can’t stand confounded before a true tragedy. At his press conference found Stefan Löfven a fitting phrase: ”An attack on the open society and democracy”. He expressed his solidarity with New Zealand and explained that our countries are side by side.”
“We recognize it there. Phrases that we stand united with cities and countries affected by extremism have been repeated at every major terrorist attack inspired by al-Qaeda and the Islamic state. Paris, Nice, Brussels, Barcelona. I, myself have written exactly those words and meant them with all my heart. There is no ”we” or ”them”. Those who are trying to set muslims against white people should not succeed. ”They are us”, said New Zealand’s prime minister.”
“Behind our phrases and Facebookbilder is the fear that the attacks will create polarization. That the target of the attack is that the new terrorists to be radicalised in an elaborate spiral of violence. And Brenton Tarrant claimed that his deed was an act of vengeance for the attack on Drottninggatan.”
“But Christchurch was no attack against the open society. If it were true would airports shut down, Climate-Gretas demonstration is cancelled and the streets patrullerats of police officers with automatic weapons.”
“nAttentatet was rather a product of the open society’s most fundamentalist wing – the internetsoldater who believe themselves to be fighting a censurerande political correctness.”
“We would like to believe that terrorists are cut off from our lighted world. They live in the filter bubble, political sects or källarmoskéer, but among other things the French terrorforskaren Olivier Roy have shown that this is not the case. They are rarely brainwashed in the traditional sense, and they build their world view on the same news as you and me. They are almost always a product of the fully visible currents in the society.”
“And rarely has it been so obvious as in the case of the terrorist in Christchurch.”
“Terrorism is about to get out a message. And Brenton Tarrants ability to get their message across can measure up with today’s top influencers. They live the murders were in all the available channels in a way that would impress most of the major media house. By tickle the social media with references to popular internetkultur he saw that the movie was saved and was when it is removed from the media platforms.”
“It is abhorrent the allegation that the murder was a revenge for the 11-year-old Ebba’s death was a part of the strategy. The killer mentioned the names that could be used for local nyhetsvinklar around the world: Ukrainian fascists, Georgian kings, Polish noblemen, canadian and Italian mass murderer.”
“the Actual mordorgien began with one of Youtube’s most famous quotes. ”Subscribe to Pewdiepie”.”
“The Swedish youtubern, admittedly, has attracted attention for its racist and anti-semitic language (which is always forgiven by the fans), but he is hardly an extremist. However, he is a part of the highest normalized conservative culture that thrives on the net. In many ways, a very old kind of privileged, white man who kids, jokes about stereotypes without any major consequences. “
“In recent years, he has actively sought out the classical conservative culture, and recommends his fans to read Jordan B Peterson, Mishima and Nietzsche.”
“To make Pewdiepie to the ironic medskyldig was a conscious, unfortunately, there is no better word, trolling, Pewdiepie, was forced to respond to their tens of millions of twitter followers. Thus was achieved the maximum PR effect.”
“nBrenton Tarrant is obviously a man who is not educated to the terrorist in a mental backwater, but in our time, mainstream culture – the nihilistic and cynical nördkulturen in social media. A white, male, and reactionary culture which is becoming stronger dictates the conditions for marketing, political communication and for how we talk to each other. A culture that has long cultivated his martyrdom and already taken their war to the streets. Remember Incel terrorist He Minassian in Toronto in 2018.”
“Even if Tarrant can be classed as a ”loner” becomes the concept of pointless when he is so deeply immersed, the reactionary geek-universe, he did his best to flirt with. In fact, the invitation was answered enthusiastically. Already on Friday afternoon had the spectators on the forum 8chan cut together the film from the massacre with the pictures on the Youtubekändisar so it looked like they played computer games.”
“those who want to immerse themselves in the terroristens cultural references can of course do it, but the memes he referred to are basically as uninteresting as any acid which may was quoted before the bombing of the Bataclan. It is to go in the terrorists ‘ PR-trap. The explanation for the murderers ‘ actions are rarely found in their manifesto. But the victims of their deeds.”
“Tarrants victims were muslims.”
“According to the Southern Poverty Law center are committed two-thirds of the terrorist attacks in the united states nowadays by right-wing extremists. In recent years, they have deliberately been directed towards the right services. Synagogue in Pittsburgh, 2018, the mosque in Quebec in 2017 and the church in Charleston, 2015. Christchurch was the third white power-the attack on the six months.nÄndå are not treated islamophobia as a security issue.”
“nFörstå me right. Sure guard security service, it is still called the white power environment. They do a good job. But the daily misstänkliggörandet of and contempt for muslims is considered never as a security threat in itself.”
“The political attempt as yet been made to lift the islamofobin on the political agenda, have only been met with contempt. 2017 arranged Alice Bah Kuhnke, a so-called ”sakråd against islamophobia” which instantly shot to pieces by the högerprofiler on social media. Rebecca Weidmo Uvell and Magnus Ranstorp blamed the minister of culture in order to spread islamism.”
“it is like there is always an acceptable excuse for islamofobin.”
“The parliamentary extreme right blames the happy growing racism on the increase in the recipient. But the example of Australia, the killer’s homeland, speaks rather for a harder line against refugees increases the contempt. Just like here, has a social democratic party with the declining poll accepted the right’s draconian measures against refugees. In Australia is held undocumented migrants now locked up in fängelseöar. All of it encouraged by Rupert Murdoch’s conservative media empire, which, according to a measurement spat out 2891 negative articles about islam, just in the last year. We ordinary mortals will forgive us with that islamofobin is fed by the islamist terror. Which is as stupid as to excuse anti-semitism with israeli policy.”
“Even Donald Trump tweeted out his condolences after the atrocity in Christchurch.n”We love you, New Zealand”, he wrote.”
“He did not write ”we love you, muslims”.”
“because he does not.”
“It does not make the united states and Europe. Or Australia. Or China.”
“No, the terrorists will never break us. We have already succeeded with it. And our division gives birth to terrorism.”
“nTrots that it may seem insurmountable difficult to counter a hatkultur it is possible to be politically active. New Zealand has already banned the use of certain weapons, and at the weekend was stopped extremhögerpropagandisten Milo Yiannopoulos from travelling in Australia. The principle is reminiscent of the visa prohibition regulation for the muslim hatpredikanter Anders Ygeman proposed in the last year. A ban has already been implemented in Denmark. I’m not saying that it is the right way. But to the measures taken against islamists never contemplated, against the islamophobes showing how unproblematic they are to be considered.nIslamofobi in the most energetic manner constantly. Skämtas away.”
“It is, therefore, ledarskribenten Tove Lifvendahl of the SvD can compare the deed in Christchurch with the people who criticise the theater director Stina Oscarsons bad interviews. No one cares really. A mass murder of muslims, will be an opportunity to win cheap political points.”
“Sweden has already been affected by the Frankenstein, Peter Mangs and the killer in Trollhättan. The question is how many muslims to be executed by the terrorists before the Swedish politicians dare to take the word islamophobia in its mouth.”
“Swedish muslims need to hear that Stefan Löfven stands side by side with them. Not with the country of New Zealand.”
“The last thing the assassin wanted was to fight against islamophobia would become a political issue. If it is to succeed, we must see through our own comforting phrases and see through the nihilistic rökridåerna on nätforumen. The hatred that is rampant there is nothing new, rather a very old form of racism. And it can only be blocked away by society solidariserar with its victims.”