“Björklund: ”Difficult to reproduce the bourgeois regeringsalternativ””
“Annie Lööf and Jan Björklund regret KD’s opening to the SD.”
“Their information to converse with the SD is condemned as a historic mistake by Annie Lööf and Jan Björklund. “
“L-leader believes that it threatens a future bourgeois form a government. “
“– To recreate a bourgeois regeringsalternativ becomes very difficult if the Christian democrats should parallellförhandla with The sweden democrats, ” he says. “
“KD-leader Ebba Busch Thor’s answer about how the party should relate to other parties in the future opens the door to cooperate with the SD. On Facebook, type Busch Thor: “
“With the Conservatives, we have an active and close cooperation. With the Centre party and the Liberals, we hope in the future to be able to govern in coalition or through organized budgetary cooperation. With the social democrats, sweden democrats, Left party and the Greens, we are prepared to discuss individual matters of fact, whenever it is meaningful to do so.””
“Ebba Busch Thor stresses, however, that the statement means that the christian democrats want to form a new block. “
“Jan Björklund: ”the conservative block SD dream about””
“Before this allianskollegan Jan Björklund, the regrets, the news and believe that, despite everything, is a step towards a conservative block. “
“”SD is a högernationalistiskt party that is created out of the Swedish neo-nazism. Sad to KD open for negotiations. Likely first step towards the conservative block SD dream about,” he writes on Twitter.”
“– I had seen in front of me that we would make the effort to get a conservative victory and a conservative government, it is difficult with that kind of news, ” says Jan Björklund to the Aftonbladet newspaper. “
“What does this mean for the cooperation between KD and L?”
“– In the various issues we are working all the time but to recreate a bourgeois regeringsalternativ becomes very difficult if the Christian democrats should parallellförhandla with The sweden democrats. “
” the Winds have blown in that direction for a while. Completely surprised I am not, this is what we warned in the election campaign, when the christian democrats denied that they would negotiate with SD, it’s been a few months and it is apparently the opposite. “
“Loof: ”Extremely regrettable”.”
“Even Annie Lööf is not happy with Busch Thors statement. “
“”A historic mistake of the KD open for negotiations and agreements with the SD, a xenophobic populistparti with roots in neo-nazism. I am deeply disappointed,” writes the C-leader on Twitter. “
“Magdalena Andersson (S), minister of finance, says Ebba Busch Thor now make a clear choice. “
“History shows that it goes bad when the established right to transmit right-wing extremists,” she says. “
“What do you mean by that?”
“– It was the established conservatives who released until the nazis. I’m not saying that SD are nazis today, but they are a right party with nazi roots. “
“S: ”I Wonder what she wants to discuss with the SD”,”
“Why is it wrong to converse with the SD?”
“– For us social democrats it is clear, we are extremely far from each other and have very different policies, ” says Magdalena Andersson. “
“– One wonders what she thinks are particularly interesting to discuss with SD. Limited aborträtt? care benefit so that the women should get money for not working? Cuts in health care and geriatric care?”
“Annie Lööf writes that the news shows that C made the right choice in regeringsfrågan.”
“, ”KD’s opening for SD shows to the choice that C made in regeringsfrågan was far-sighted. In the conversations that took place between the ruling coalition parties had agreed after the election was one of the preconditions for even discussing a Mu002FKD government, no cooperation and no negotiations would happen with SD. This was Ebba Busch Thor nberedd that promise in writing. But this commitment lasted only a few months. It is highly regrettable if KD continues on this path’.”
“the left party leader Jonas Sjöstedt writes on Twitter:”
“It is regrettable that the KD opens the door for direct cooperation with a racist party like the SD. One can not exclude cooperation with Orban one day to start a cooperation with orban’s Swedish fan club the next day”. “
“”We think most of the time different than KD, but the few times we agree, we can cooperate and make agreements even with the bourgeois parties. But we are never with the SD.””
“Fridolin: ”Lost KD among our friends””
“Gustav Fridolin, the Green party’s outgoing spokesperson writes:”
“”To negotiate with SD, can provide power, but it comes at a high price. We look around in Europe what happens when such a party obtains influence. How democracy is being attacked and people are pitted against each other. SD applaud today. We who believe in a Sweden mourn that we lost KD among our friends. And so, we work on anti-racism and against the gaps which create the breeding ground for the ideas of where SD can grow.”n”