A 26-year-old man has been charged for preliminary three the killing of older people at Vangehusvej on outer Østerbro from 7. February 7. march of this year. It tells inspector Jørgen Skov at a news conference today. It happens after an 81-year-old woman was found dead on Friday.

He says that they have seen six deaths in all. In three cases, they have charged with murder, while death is written off as a natural death. Two other investigated, but does not suggest the killing.

In connection with the death, which was first recorded as a natural death, the police were contacted by concerned relatives, who believed that the elderly woman’s debit was abused.

It found the police were the case, and at the same time were residents in the area also worried about the other deaths in the area of housing.

It got the police to open an analysis of all deaths in the district, where there live many elderly people, way back to the beginning of 2018. And it has resulted in to the man, who has østafrikansk origin, but is a Danish citizen, has been charged in all three killings.

A 83-year-old woman has been cremated, and it is therefore impossible to make a retslægelig autopsy.

But when an autopsy of the man found technical evidence that the cause of death was suffocation. The same is the case with the 81-year-old woman who was found dead on Friday.

Vicepolitiinspektør Brian Belling from the Department for Personfarlig Crime does not want to go into details on how kvælningen must have happened. He refuses guilty.

This is a very serious matter. And it is very unusual. I can’t remember, I have experienced something similar, ” says Brian Belling.
