”Through the Novel received the Swedish music of a european identity,” writes Lennart Hall in his book ”Replicas”, where he analyzes his spectacular flöjtsonater from 1727. The year after making Roman music to a celebration of the Russian ambassador in Stockholm, the so-called ”Golovinmusiken”, where he mixes Italian, German, English and French stiluttryck to the one closest to the multicultural brew.
and the town of Höör Baroque raises this music to life, the experience is sensational. With colourfully varied instrumentation, fearlessly contrasting tempoval and brilliant musicianship, they work forty-five short statements that form a crackling festdramaturgi – ranging from the fiercely mobilizing to the delightfully restful. A perfect soundtrack to the Ernst Brunners historical biography of the Novel that came earlier in the year.
Best tracks: ”Sinfonia”
Read more music reviews by Martin Nyström , for example, about how Kristian Bezuidenhout plays Haydn at the pianoforte .