the Report is from september 2018. The same autumn, denied the bank’s ceo Birgitte Bonnesen to the bank would be involved in the penningtvättshärva that had been rolled up around the Danske Bank in Estonia.
Birgitte Bonnesen and communications director Gabriel Francke Rodau referred to an internal report of the findings of the bank’s management has not wanted to reveal during the winter tangle.
– Now we have gone through everything and we have completed this walkthrough, because there is nothing”, said Birgitte Bonnesen to Today’s Industry in October 2018.
But according to SVT’s Mission review, the report confirms the programme’s previous disclosure of suspected money laundering.
”A large number of the suspects are customers of Swedbank and Danske bank have slussat 3.2 billion and 6.7 billion us dollars between banks”, type SVT in his article.
and should be authored by ”Swedbank Compliance”. On the list of recipients is Birgitte Bonnesen, and several other members of group management.
On Friday, Today’s Industry posted similar data as the SVT. The newspaper writes in addition to the internal report shows that the bank was linked to what has come to be known as ”The Russian Laundromat”, that is to say, the approach to move hundreds of billions of dollars out of Russia.
According to the Di’s data, the report describes how the bank as late as in the year had a number of customers as of-based OCCRP has been pointed out as involved in the Russian coin-operated laundry. At the same time to several customers in Danske Bank, which had also been identified as part of the arrangement, have made transactions with the customers of Swedbank.
with the “additional activity” after the examination, and the internal report was produced, in the autumn.
It writes the bank in a press release that in response to the SVT’s data.
“Mission review refers to the different figures relating to the payments which are said to have passed between the customers of Danske Bank and the customers in Swedbank during the nearly ten years of time. These are gross figures in the initial analysis. Mission control figures, for example, can be put in relation to the figure of 2,000 billion that has been linked to Danske Bank,” writes the bank.
the Bank writes in Friday’s press release that the bank, as a result of the information on Danske Bank, did an analysis of the payments between the customers of Danske Bank and the customers of Swedbank. In the analysis went to Swedbank through payments between the years 2007 and 2015.
we looked at both current and former customers in the Baltic countries. The results of the first review made that we then went ahead with an in-depth analysis of approximately 2,000 customers in the entire Baltic region. /…/ In many cases, there was no reason to act on, but in some cases we went on with bl.a. the notifications to the fraud squad”, says Birgitte Bonnesen in Friday’s press release.
In the press release, select the bank to tell you about the measures against money laundering in 2018.
“We got an average of approximately 80 warning signs on a daily basis. The transactions we did an in-depth analysis of the. This in turn led to about four notifications per day to the national fraud squad”, is called it from the bank on the previous year, which are thus not covered by the internal audit.