“Lindahl was denied notify account on Twitter: ”Not okay””

“the ALGARVE. When Hedvig Lindahl received a homophobic comment on Twitter she tried to get the user off.”

“But according to the site’s own regulations was not the derogatory words enough to account would be blocked. “

“Seems to be a foam corporate culture on the Twitter if you now think it is okay to go around and say so,” she says. “

“Now runs most of Hedvig Lindahl. 35-year-old is one of the most experienced in the Swedish national team, and has through the years got to experience it most of the time, both good and evil.”

“Football has taught me very much about the känslohantering,” explains Lindahl.”

” I played scared in many years. Now I’m not afraid. I do make a mistake, it is okay. Then, I note that it was crap and moves on.”

“After the move to Chelsea in 2015, something happened to the goalie’s development. From that, at times, have been reviled by the average soccer-watcher at home in the tv sofas she is seen nowadays as one of Sweden’s most important player before the world CUP. “

“I was a little more stable in the older days,” says Lindahl and laughing. “

“– So do I make a mistake now, it feels like it is more forgiving than in the past. Because there are more good experiences compared to bad now.”

“It is rare that she experiences näthat as a problem, rather the contrary. A few weeks ago she tried, however, to register a comment with homophobic content on Twitter. “

“the Answer from the site was ”we have reviewed this carefully on the basis of Twitter’s rules and concluded that no violation has occurred”. “

“I thought,’ this was not nice”. That one goes around and says so. Seems to be a foam company culture on Twitter now if you think it’s okay, ” says Hedvig Lindahl.”

“But it runs by you directly?”

“– Yes, absolutely, I felt no grudge, but just that it was a nasty person. I could just as well notify the person.”

“”Living with a woman – so it’s just””

“It must be liberating, to feel so?”

” Generally, I think, and correct me if I’m wrong, that all of you are okay with not affect. It does not take purely emotional. “

” If I make a mistake in a match can I choose to turn away from it with everything what I am able and put the blame on the and the. Or just say, ‘ this was skitdåligt, I agree with you who think so”. Then the death of it. Then, I have accepted that this is so and moved on.”

“Hedvig Lindahl believes that she, therefore, also not took to by the derogatory words. “

“– Like this on twitter that writes the type ”fucking dyke” or whatever it was. If I had thought it was hard to be honest with the fact that I live with a woman, then where taken and I had become sad, ” says Lindahl. “

“– But yes, now I am married to Sabina and they have two children. So it’s just. There is nothing more with it. “

“We believe in freedom of expression and open dialogue, but it means little if people are silenced and don’t dare to express his opinion. For our users to feel safe when they express different opinions and beliefs, we prohibit behaviors that go over the limit of what is considered offensive, such as harassment, threats, and scare people into silence.””

“”You may not advocate violence against, threaten or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religion, age, disability or serious illness.” “