“Smuggled tons of hashish via Sweden”
“so Far, 35 suspects, but the Norwegian police.”
“It started with the sighting of two danes in the summer. They drove in a car through Sweden to the Norwegian Trysil to deliver hashish. The danes were arrested together with three norwegians. In a garage as the traffic assumed in Denmark was found across the 2.2 ton of the drug.”
“– In the autumn and winter, we have made new major seizure, which a lot of hashish. We have also found large amounts of amphetamine, cocaine, heroin, multiple drugs, says police chief Eivind Borge to the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet.”
“the Drugs must have been sold by the brottsgäng in Oslo and elsewhere in the region Østlandet. The proceeds should then be invested in, among other things, real estate in Eastern europe.”
“Of the 35 suspects, 14 are still on the loose. In the subsequent investigation cooperate, the Norwegian police, according to newspaper svenska Dagbladet with colleagues in Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands and Spain.”