do you run hard intervals? You must buy the most expensive running shoes, kompressionsløbestrømper and næseplaster? And løbetræningen hurt, before you really get something out of it? You can find many tips and tricks around the web – but it is far from all the advice, which is good. Some advice is at best useless and without effect, while others can lead to løbeskader or worse maturities.
the Extra Leaf has scored two løbeeksperter to come up with the myths and misconceptions they most often encounter. Claus Hechmann and Thomas Vidø both work as professional løbetrænere for runners of all levels. Including designate the six things that can ruin your workout.
. /Claus Hechmann
Rome was not built in a day. The same applies to your løbeform. So you should start to build your form from scratch, and as you get in better shape, you can run longer and faster.
/Claus Hechmann
If you would like to train up to be able to run 5 km in under 20 minutes, you should not run 4 min./km at all of his workouts – just because it is the pace, you will want to keep in the competition. The majority of your mileage must run at a very lower pace.
/Thomas Vidø
You will not be suddenly much faster, because you buy running shoes to $ 2000. or run with næseplaster to get better air through the nose. Maybe you see the ’smart’ out, but you will become a faster runner, you must instead use your energy to workout sensibly.
/Thomas Vidø
So drop the many intervalture, watching the stars, pulling for breath and get blodsmag in the mouth. You get a lot more out of running a little longer at a steady pace. And since you won’t become so sore in the muscles after a calm trip, you are quicker to recover and get ready for the next trip in the shoes. Pure win/win.
/Thomas Vidø
Forget about ’no pain – no gain’thinking. So take it easy and enjoy your runs.
/Thomas Vidø
10-20-30 intervals, trappetræning and sprint intervals. It sounds smart, hard and effectively. But instead of jumping on the fragments of træningskoncepter, you encounter, so stick to A concept.