the First job was on a tugboat. The ministry of trade and oljefartygen came around the clock 365 days of the year. In the evening we had ob-appendix. On the weekends we had double pay, and qualified the holidays, we had triple the salary. All went to take off in lieu. So reads the agreement, said the captain over the coffee and a kanellängd. Mate, däcksmän and mechanic around the coffee agreed. There was no doubt about it. It was like a law of nature – we are all in the same boat – inconvenient work would cost the employer and the pay for the men on board.
the Next job was in health care. The municipality’s retirement home was a mile from the port. On landbacken, just like on the lake, it was required to work all days. On the schedule was the job on midsummer’s day. I asked what I would have to be at work at seven o’clock one Saturday morning. Twenty-five crowns, ” answered the head. It took a while before the token fell down. Twenty-five crowns was the whole extraersättningen to work ten hours. Two and fifty extra per hour was, of course, more than in the day, but nothing compared to what I got to put the rope on the bogserkroken the Saturday. I wondered how different it could be for men and women to work.
was not unlike port. Even a kanellängd on the table and placed coffee cups. Instead of hamnfolk, there was a nurse, auxiliary nurses, and nursing assistants. Several would work during midsummer and get the same paltry twenty-five dollars. What did they feel about it? They looked at me and said: ”but hey, it is scheduled”. It was like a law of nature from another world – the women uncomfortable weekend work would be cheap and unpaid. The injustice was incarnate in ourselves. It felt like a wicked midsummer night’s dream. I pulled the wheelchair around the maypole, longed away to the sea, where the effort had a value.
this was decades ago. Certainly, a lot has happened. In all cases, nurses received better paid. But than in day serving men generally two million (two secure lottovinster) more than women during his life. The most strange thing about injustice is that not everyone sees it, and we have not gotten it off yet.
indicates that an equal education system and working life is dealing with legal förändringsnit – at least up to 2009, here some notes:
…to start work within the craft and trade if they are unmarried, in 1846.
…the right to teach in the smaller folkskolorna, 1853.
…to be of age if they are unmarried and below 25 years of age, in 1858.
…formal rights in the private sector, in 1864.
…take a matriculation examination, 1870.
…access to the university, 1873.
…their first trade unions: Hemsömmerskor in Lund, 1886.
…the right to hold government posts, in 1926.
…as large a pension as men, in 1935.
…the right to keep the job even if they marry or give birth to children, 1939.
…the right to become a priest, 1958.
the Law of equal pay for equal work for women and men, 1960.
the Law of särbeskattning, 1971.
Law against sex discrimination in the workplace. The equal opportunities ombudsman is introduced, in 1980.
All of the careers open to women – even in the field of defense, 1989.
the equality act, 1991
the Law on positive action regarding the appointment of professors. Salary survey in all workplaces, in 1995. (Annual salary surveys from 2017.)
the New discrimination act 2008.
the equality Ombudsman, replacing the equal opportunities ombudsman, 2009.
in order to get to equality on the labour market and the educational system have been added over hundreds of years. Often, changes come to the law for help, but since ten years back, the parliament in the legislation in the area stalled. The question is whether it is clear now? It is up to the individual and the discussion at the fikaborden to fix the rest?
Read more: Women in equal circumstances, the less stressed-out