“Hot bostadsskatter on the finance minister’s table”

“Avtrappade interest deductibility is likely to be a hot issue, believe finance minister Magdalena Andersson for the negotiations with his new friends, the Centre party and the Liberals.”

“And soon will be information on how uppskovsräntan from bostadsvinster shall be taken away.”

“It happens in Swedish politics is entirely new in and with fyrpartiöverenskommelsen between the government and the Centre party and the Liberals. It should be exciting and fun to develop a new policy over the old blockgränserna, think Magdalena Andersson (S).”

“– When I talk with my european colleagues, so there are many who say: “

“TT: Stable you say, there we have not seen yet?”

“– In all cases stable when it comes to getting through the proposal in the parliament.”

“Several tax reforms should now be chiselled out of the document that has come to be called januariavtalet. The difficulty will be to combine significant tax cuts for top earners and on companies to shrink the gaps, which the four parties, P, MP, C and L, have signed on. The centre party and the Liberals, for example, has already said flatly no to touching kapitalskatterna.”

“I’m not saying it’s impossible, but it will certainly not be easy,” says Magdalena Andersson.”

“There is no evidence for it, but Magdalena Andersson is convinced that the many years of development with increased economic inequality was broken in the last year. But the gaps are still too large, according to her.”

“Among other things, the green tax shift contribute to the reduction of disparities, is the chancellor’s basic premise.”

” People with the right revenue accounts for more emissions than people with lower incomes. So the package has an opportunity to get a good fördelningsprofil.”

“The big tax reform, which is also mentioned in the januariavtalet shall, inter alia, increase employment by reducing taxes on work and enterprise, also have as a goal to smooth out the gaps. And there they teach all sorts of treasures get up on the table, she believes, without wishing to be much more just like the river, so. The past 10-20 years of reduced capital taxes are usually scientists point to as a decisive explanation for the fact that the richer the top pulled off.”

“HH: do you See some capital that you would like to move or raise?”

” We have previously brought up the 3:12 rules, it is something that we social democrats have gone to the election on, so there is no secret, but it, of course we need to discuss with the other parties.”

“3:12 rules is a complicated system to avoid paying entrepreneurs in private equity companies should be able to pick out a salary that is lower taxed capital gains. The government tried to raise revenues from the group in the last parliament, but went on the pump of a unified opposition.”

“the IMF reiterated the other day that Sweden should raise the property tax.”

“– They are economists, all economists love the property tax, on good grounds, from a perspective of the national economy.”

TT: But not from any other perspective?”

“– the Swedish people have not been as keen on it, but as I said, I am convinced that all the taxes will come up on the table when we are going to discuss this tax reform.”

“But she believes that all parties will be careful in changing the conditions too much when it comes to such big investment decisions the dwelling.”

“Avtrappade interest deductions?”

” and I am sure will come up in this discussion. There are several parties that think you should do it, ” says Andersson, who himself is not jätteförtjust to screw on the prospects for household bostadsekonomi.”

“Uppskovsräntan on the old bostadsvinster to be removed, the parties agreed in the agreement. Whether the old suspension shall also be counted, which is unclear, and Magdalena Andersson does not want to reveal the contents.”

“– It’s going to get a ds (departementsskrivelse) if, in the near future.”

“HH: And where are you agreed?”

“Some of the more concrete proposals of the political agreement between the social democrats, the green Party, the Centre party and the Liberals, the so-called januariavtalet:”

“reducing taxes on labour.”

“the Abolition of war (the extra tax on incomes over about 58 000 in the month).”

“the Ceiling in the rut-deduction trefaldigas at the same time as the services were broadened.”

“the Extra taxation of the next generation of companies will be discontinued. 3:12-rules (tax rules for companies with less ownership interests) to be simplified.”

“Enhanced state support for short-term employment in major recessions.”

“Green tax shift of sek 15 billion, raising taxes is exchanged for lower taxes on work and enterprise.”

“the Strengthening of state subsidies to municipalities and county councils are continuing at a steady pace.”

“Etableringsjobb with a lower salary for the new arrivals.”

“the unemployment insurance is made if, with the payout based on income which is then scaled down and phased out in line with the duration of unemployment. The law on employment protection, las, made, with, among other things, extended the exception from turordningsreglerna at redundancies.”

“Free rents in new construction.”

“a reduction in taxes on pensions, and the height of the pension.”

“family week is introduced, the three additional days off for parents of children between 4 and 16 years.”