The dispute over aid deliveries to Venezuela escalates On the border with Brazil, at least two people died. Because relief supplies from Colombia, President Maduro broke off relations with the neighboring state.

On the borders of Venezuela, Colombia and Brazil, it has serious disagreements: In Santa Elena de Uairen, on the border to Brazil, at least two people in protests have died, according to the non-governmental organization Foro Penal. There Colectivos”, the armed thugs of the socialist government would have” fired on civilians.

wounded at the border to Colombia

in one of the border crossings to the Colombian city of CĂșcuta attacked “Colectivos” civilians and journalists. The Venezuelan national guard used tear gas and rubber bullets against people demanding the Opening of the border and the entry of humanitarian aid from Colombia. Dozens of people were injured.

power struggle in Venezuela has escalated to
tagesschau at 20:00, 23.02.2019, Matthias Ebert, ARD Mexico city

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