– We the expulsion of the date of Tobias Koch for stealing the power from the restaurant, by leaving his phone without permission from the restaurant.

The message was kokkeleven Tobias Koch in Thursday from his boss at the Restaurant Sans in Aalborg, writes fagbladet3F.

The 19-year-old student had worked all day in the kitchen, when he was called into the boss’s office and got the message.

– I just thought, it can’t fit it here. It’s too childish, says Tobias to the magazine.

the Boss admits that the firing looks strange, but telling, that it does not come out of the blue. Restaurant Sans must close, and Tobias has said no to change elevplads for Hotel Strandlyst in Tornby, which have the same owner.

– We think we have done what we could. We have offered him an apprenticeship and a room free of charge.

– We felt ourselves pressed into a corner and felt forced to it, says Lasse Holst to the magazine, but what do you say?

On the 3Fs Facebook opinions are divided:

– If they close, and they have offered him another apprenticeship, where he gets a room, so is it fine terms.

– But such is modern-day Denmark, so no there is nothing wrong here, only the reason they use,writes Brian R while Mikal J.:

– Wow, poor kid. Hope he gets a hefty compensation. Many arbejdagivere is urimelice opposite the apprentices, writes Mikail.