A political leader has three tasks.
The first is to keep together the party. It applies across the country whether it is a party and in a part of the country, if it is a regional party leader.
The second is to achieve a good result.
The third is to find allies who are doing that the party can be to control and enforce their promises to the electorate.
failed on all three points. The party is in decay, where the party’s highest representative publicly smears each other. The result of the election has fallen from 36% in 2006 to 29 per cent in 2010 to 22 per cent in 2014, and now down to 20 per cent in the local election.
thirdly, the social democrats, despite the fact that it still is the municipality’s largest party, managed to make himself at loggerheads with almost every conceivable ally. The previous connected in the V, MP and FI were dumped in the hope to be able to get a permit cooperation across the blockgränsen. But it was instead a unified right-wing alliance that included the valteknisk cooperation with old allies.
The party ended up outside of the handlebar for the first time in 24 years. The alliance controls with only 24 of the 81 seats in the municipal council. Such is spelled S-a fiasco.
to a hat-trick, it is not strange if the members want accountability. The only question is by whom. It is partidistriktets long-standing chairman, the minister was forced to resign after Transportstyrelseskandalen Anna Johansson, who made the most errors? Or is it the captain of the town hall, Ann-Sofie Hermansson? The former has already thrown in the towel. Very little speaks to the colorful, Ann-Sofie Hermansson has no way back. She did not have confidence in the S fullmäktigegrupp and then it is almost impossible to lead the team.
There will be new opportunities to take back the power of the S-politicians with greater tactile sensitivity. The next chance is when the budget for the next year shall be adopted.
in the open struggle for power in Gothenburg is not the party leadership managed to mediate, despite the fact that partikassören Roger Berzell tried. We are talking about a unique battle between two partistyrelseledamöter, Anna Johansson and Ann-Sofie Hermansson, which also brought to light tensions about how hard S to push the issue of extremism and violence.
It must be included in a partisekreterares mission to prevent central representative draws the party’s name in the dirt before the electorate and members. Not successful, the party secretary to sort out the battle, one could believe that the weight of the heaviest artillery, the party chairman, is inserted into and trying to bring an end to the west the civil war.
It also applies to Stefan Löfven that a leader’s main task is to hold together his party.