Carl I. Hagen is back in Parliament as a substitute for Mazyar Keshvari. Yesterday he delivered the written question to his successor in the conservative party-the throne:

“Can the minister of finance utvirke that there be set up a list with estimates of costs for the Norwegian society for the tax – and avgiftsordninger, costs for consumers and businesses, and costs for the public operations that are primarily justified to reduce CO2-emissions of the so-called klimahensyn?”

known issue that I’m klimarealist, so that I do not believe that man-made CO2 emissions have any significant importance for the climate. All costs for the community is justified in reducing CO2 emissions is a waste, ” says Carl I. Hagen, to Dagbladet.

CHALLENGES: Vicarious member of parliament Carl I. Hagen challenge his own finance minister Siv Jensen in klimaspørsmålet. Here from the conservative party-the congress at the Airport in 2017. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB scanpix Show more

We know that for el-cars we miss 11 billion in revenue to the state because of avgiftsfritakene. But how large are the total costs that the government will apply the Norwegian society? ? Is it 30 billion? It is 60 billion? They should at least know the cost.

Wasting lots of money

Carl I. Hagen, hope klimaomkamp in front of the 2021 election.

– I am very dissatisfied with klimadelen in regjeringsplattformen. It was not there we won. It is a compromise between the various parties. When we will vote in Parliament, as I stand at Granavolden declaration.

– But it comes a new general election in a few years. I hope for a development, where more people will realize that we waste a lot of money on completely unnecessary mitigation. We are going to have fossil fuels this century as the main source of energy, says the progress party veteran.

don’t Stop

– Your klimaskepsis can be perceived as a brannfakkel into regjeringssamarbeidet…?

– No, not at all. I acknowledge that we lost the battle, but a political debate does not stop of a regjeringserklæring that applies until the next general election.

– But you challenge the accord between the conservative party and the other coalition parties?

– No, I ask only to know the facts costs. In my question to the minister of finance, there is no policy. But if the cost level is high, I believe that I will have a closer look at what we could have used the money to. For example, how many hospitals places and how much extra care of the elderly. It is not in the forefront in the debate, because one is trying to hide what this klimakonkurransen between the other parties costs, ” says Carl I. Hagen.

Conservative Norwegian men more frequently klimafornektere

He believes that the Progress party has the best climate policy.

I’m going to work still for it to be even better by the fact that the Frp at the subsequent negotiations will put more weight behind.

the burning of the witches

Carl I. Hagen, is highly critical of the klimaeksperters description of the framtidssamfunnet.

– Everything has turned wrong. They have failed at everything. Al Gore, the high priest of the new klimareligionen, said twenty years ago that we had 12 years on us. The world has known have not gone under. This skremselspropagandaen memories of when one of the christian superstition burned witches at the stake. Now has the climate taken over for the witches, ” says Garden.

KrF: – Nothing new under the sun

Tore Storehaug, environmental spokesperson of the Christian democratic Party, is not impressed by Carl I. hagen’s argument.

– Nothing new under the sun from Carl I. Hagen here. All the common policies between the four coalition parties have built on the principle that the polluter should pay, and that it should cost to pollute. The debate has gone on, but it has not the Garden, ” says Tore Storehaug.

Right: – Disagree with the Garden

Stefan Heggelund, which represent the Right of energy – and miljøkomiteen in Parliament, says that he is very happy that the government is disagree with Carl I. Hagen.

– A good night for klimafornektere

– We have the most offensive klimamålene, and the most offensive climate policy a government has ever had in Norway. And fortunately is, the emissions have gone down. International harvest Norway a great deal of respect for the policies we bring in nationally and globally, ” says Heggelund.

– the larger The climate change, the more expensive it becomes to live with. From a financial perspective, is therefore the only sustainable to combat man-made climate change, says the Right representative.

Left: – He is the sun king

– Carl I. Hagen is the sun king of populism in Norwegian politics. There’s probably a position he’s going to defend, commenting Ketil Kjenseth, Left, chairman of the energy and miljøkomiteen in Parliament. the

He points out that the science is coherent that the changes we see in the past 150 years is so large and fast that they undoubtedly caused by human activity and population growth. the

– that is what can happen in 100 years, if we only trips back, we are talking about now. Luckily it is not the Garden we negotiate with in the government. We have tightened to the m the eels and gave more money to both klimakutt and adaptation than any government, ” says Kjenseth.

Carl I. Hagen should take a trip to the wife Elis hjemfylke Oppland. Where he sees consequences for, among other Skjåk. From having been Norway’s driest municipality in the many weeks in the last summer, where the energy company put down the grid that farmers would save their crops, they were abruptly Norway’s wettest in one day last fall. Now the work started with removing the glassopor from Skjåk and down to the lake Vågåvannet, as the flood took with him, ” says the Left-representative.

A: – Frp driter in the environment

Lars Haltbrekken, the socialist left climate policy spokesperson and member of The energy and environmental committee, it seems Carl I. Hagen, has little danger with. He is also not impressed by the environmental policies of the Progress party.

We are so tired!

– Among the ten cars that got the most avgiftslettelse in the previous period, you will find no cars that cost less than 1.7 million. Luksusbilen Porsche 911 Turbo S, which uses a fossil fuel, has been avgiftskutt of 400,000 crowns. This shows that Frp is a party for all and the driter in the environment, says Lars Haltbrekken.

If Carl I. Hagen is so easier said than done that we get less money in taxes because people go from fossil cars to electric cars should he worry even more for their own charters. Where does it say that they will reduce the one-time at purchase of the car significantly.

For the rest, I put together Stefan Heggelund in the Right and the black klimafornektere before christmas, the feeling I got made me finished with them then, ” says A representative.

MDG: – Scary

Une Bastholm, member of parliament for MDGS and a member of the energy and miljkøkomiteen, prices meningsmangfold.

We have known about climate change for 30 years. Why is so little done.

But that climate change is man-made and serious is not an opinion, it is fact. Therefore, it is scary that such attitudes still gets spread, ” she says.

– Modern climate policy is about to cut in emissions, while at the same time creates a better life for the citizens. It should, Carl I. Hagen know after having seen what the results of The Green have been to in Oslo, says Une Bastholm.

– Unfortunately, this is just one of many examples of politicians in the progress party who sow doubt about whether climate change is anthropogenic, and whether it is necessary to take measures. No later than in the previous week we saw us forced to ask the finance minister Siv Jensen about her views on climate change, and she would not answer what she is doing to counter klimafornekterne in a private party, ” says MDG representative.


finance minister Siv Jensen is required to answer the Parliament before she can comment on the written question from Carl I. Hagen in the media.